Vlad salutes you

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Hi ,well now you know who and what I am here is my second entry!!Firstly I would like to introduce my very good friend White Ted. I met him the first evening I arrived at my present abobe. He greated me in the hallway after the humans had gone to bed.We spent a very entertaining evening, as I told him of my very long and interesting life. It was White Ted who accompanied me when I was summonsed to visit The Granmother with the Invisible Cape, in her castle in Transylvania. He met my Mother and father there too.I do beleive he was very taken with size of the place and the amount of servants that live and work there!....Poor chap he is a very simple bear and is not used to moving in such exalted circles.
The first photo is of White Ted visiting the waterfalls in the back garden of my Carribean retreat. The second was taken at the weekend when I took him to see the Sydney Opera House on the way to Germany from Wimbledon. The third and fouth are of my Castle (one of many many properties of which I will tell more of at a later date) The last photo is of me which obviously makes it the best!!
I had a very hectic weekend I had to lend a helping hand at Wimbledon (they have a little club there and humans from most countries on your tiny plant go there to play Tennis, make lot of noises and win silver plates and cups!!!) It is beyond me why they want to do this but it seems to please them so I organise Teas and look after the boys and girls that they keep crouched by the nets..... a very strange practice.... looks rather cruel to me!
After that I had to fly over to Germany ( hence white Teds' trip through Sydney) when we got there White Ted had a front row seat while I was Zidanes' Translator. I rode around on his shoulder during the match ...covered by my cloak of invisibility. I take no responsiblity for the fact that towards the end of the match I lost concentration and my French /Italian language skills were not quite up to scratch!!!! after all there was a very charming french lady in the crowd that had taken my eye!! All I will say is I may of made a mistake!! I would also take it as a great personal favour if you do not let the Vladdette know why I was distracted ......I don't think she would be very understanding!!
Well I must be off now as I am a very busy Vampire Bear and I am off to visit my Winter Palace which is on the Kola Peninsular not far from Murmansk.I have to oversee the preparations for my Grandmothers Party! ( will fill you in on details soon)


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