Vlad salutes you

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hello once again my little human friends. As I said earlier I am a very busy Vampire bear at the moment as preparatins are in hand for the Grandmother with the Invisible Capes' Party. I have had to scour the entire Universe to find entertainers sufficiently different to take her interest...( she is an extreemely difficult lady to please as my poor long suffering father Ivan will tell you) Actually that is quite an interesting little tale. Ivan married Annuska long before the dawn of time; in a beautiful and strange place so far away you would not believe it could exist. The wedding did not meet with the approval of Annuska’s mother. ( Grandmother that is) Ivan and Annuska have totally worshipped each other ever since. Unfortunately for Ivan he adores Annuska’s mother who, equally unfortunately, can not stand the sight of him. She loathes and detests him with a vengeance! Never missing a chance to bewitch or harm him. Ivan is oblivious to this fact and is always glad to see his mother-in-law thus annoying her even more! In fact father has been trying to help me, I say trying (and believe you me he can be, for he is a total bungler but I love him!) Only this morning I asked him to check that the hall of ice and crystal had been prpared by the servants and was in readuness.....well he went off at great spead only to report back to me that all was well . All the ice sculptures were in place , all crystals gleeming , glass cieling and windows cleaned and sparkling but that he thought it was a little chilly in there so he had asked the servants to put the heating on for a while......What can I say, not a lot, he is my father after all.
Well I supose I had best get over there and do some damage limitation before things get too out of hand. Before I go I would like to say HI to Aunt Frank who very kindly put a comment on my Blogg , ( Which my useless assistant acidentally deleted whilst trying to update the blogg , with out my permission I must add!!! I am surrounded my incompitence) Dear Aunt Fank could I prevail on you to redo your comment. I can assure you that the assistant has been punished and warned that if there is a similar mishap fingers will go missing!!
I would also Like to say a big Hi and How are You to Alex who, my Human known as the mother ( not my real one) , bumped into yesterday. Hi Alexxxxx how are you doing I would love to hear from you!!
You will note I have enclosed some more photos but that there are none of the Grandmother or the Parents well that is because they do not allow photos of themselves to be taken. Well even if they did you would not be able to see them. My mother and Father being too beautiful for human eyes to see and the Grandmother ...well least said the better. Anyway the ones I have enclosed are of two of my most faithful servants the Slove Bats they are my minders and are pretty useful when needed. They work at the Slove Embassey where they are incharge of checking and renewing visas ( even those belonging to Imortals!!) note to Vladdette to check mine. The first one is of them at my Caribean Retreat , the second is them just bumming around and last one is of Myself and Nigel at the Aunt Franks.
Right as I said I must be off now so farewell little humans.


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