Vlad salutes you

Friday, July 14, 2006

Good Evening my friends. I hope you are all well and enjoying this weather..luckily, for you .....and I supose for me too, being a Vampire bear ( and not a bat) I have no real problems with sunlight. I have always been able to stay in strong sunlight for a couple of hours at a time and now that there are sunblocks and screens around I can stay out in the sun even longer!! After all I was around before the sun was and no doubt I shall be around long after it is gone.
Mind you I was visiting a lady friend of mine ,who I have been helping of late.Her office window overlooks a railway and she lets me sit there and watch the trains while I do the harder parts of her job for her!! I do the hard work and keep her boss busy and out of the way so she can get things done in the office and she rewards me with hoola hoops and chocolate......Well money is of little use to me as I have dungeons full of the stuff.
I digress last week whilst I was sitting on the window sill, the work was boring and the trains were scarce ( No news there then) ....unfortunately I fell asleep and she did not notice until I had been there all afternoon .....
When she finally wondered why I was being so quiet I had almost completely turned to dust, fortunately (for her and me!) she managed to wake me so I could tell her what to do to stop and reverse the process. It is quite simple really you just scoop up all the dust and pop me into the fridge, making sure that not one spec of dust is left behind! Well since that near mishap I am glad to say she keeps a closer eye on me!!
How are the party preparations going I hear you asking, well they are slowly coming together despite Ivans' bunglings and mixups things are progressing nicely. I have, even at such short notice, been able to find a team of ice sculptors to redo the statues in the ice ballroom and the little gentle man who looks after our chandeliers has been reawoken from his hundred year sleep to attend to the lighting.......He was not best pleased as this is the second time in five thousand years that we have had to disturb him and he is mumbling and grumbling around the place, he had better be careful as he is getting on my nerves and as he is only two centimeters tall he should watch out that he does not get crushed underfoot (or my paw to be more precise).
I have not as yet heard back from the Aunt Frank on the matter of the material I mention in an earlier report ...she is no doubt beavering away on my behalf and will be in touch as soon as she has some news!
Photos well the first one is of me recovering in the fridge after the window sill incident!!
The second one is of Nigel and I enjoying a night out in Spain. The last one is of a friend of mine called the Empress Valentina , I will telling you about her and Milain the Villain soon!
I am off now the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape has just called me!


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