Vlad salutes you

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Salutations my little human friends how are you all? I trust you have all enjoyed your weekend and made the most of the weather!!
Preparations for the party are still forging ahead dispite Ivan's best efforts to help?
I have been intouch , by email, with the Aunt Frank who informs me she had not received my original request for help with suppliers of materal for the decoration of the Winter Palace . Again I say I am surrounded by incompitance. I am sorry but I have to say that my assistant is completely feebleminded and limpwristed and utterly usless!!!!!! At great inconvenience to myself I have had to intervene personally and this morning I visited the Aunt Frank. Hopefully things are now in hand. Thus again proving the point that if you need a job done you have to do it yourself! As I said yesterday the whole organization of the Party of the Millenia is wearing me down and so I am not going to spend too long discussing it tonight!
My human , mother and father were busy today they had the Grandmother without the Invisible cape over and took her out to lunch. Do not under any cicumstances confuse her with the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape as that would be deadly. The one being a human and fairly harmless, the other totally inhuman and merciless and as Ivan knows to his detriment, without any patience.
Well a good day was had by all, although Mr G. Rafft ( a good friend of mine and do not confuse him with Mr Gee who I introduced in an earlier entry to this blog.) spent the entire duration of the grandmother without the invsible capes' visit in hiding. Unfortunately he was upset by the lady in question , when they first met she announced that he looked like a wart hogg? Personally I am with Mr G Rafft , Raffty to his friends, and think that the human granmother was well out of order. Anyway I have posted a photo of Raffty and you can decide for yourselves.
I am still reeling from the dreadful alligations about the state of my cape, made by a certain ted, who keeps leaving comments on this blog. I have have as yet not received any cape donations or offers of help appart from the lovely Vladdette who has offered to lend me her cape of stars.
Thank you Vladdette my,dear I will consider your offer ( well at least until something better comes along)
Tonights phots are Mr G. Rafft (A.K.A Raffty) the Vladdetes cape of stars and so you will not pine yours truly.
Well I have better things to do than hang around here chatting I have some very important business to conduct on Ursa Minor so I must love you all and leave you.............................


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