Vlad salutes you

Saturday, July 22, 2006

As the Aunt Frank mentioned in her last communication things here have been a bit mad!!The last minute preparations did not go without a hitch, all I will say is Ivan,Hall of Mirrors, short cut, Grandmother loosing her patience.............. Blood on the walls!!
Anyway regardless of all that the party is now in full swing. The guests all started to arrive at 7.30pm, by land, sea, air and from under the ground too. There were some fabulous entrances, some by horse and carriage, some by car , helecopters galore , the odd private jet and of course the old tried and tested manner of flight by cape! (Always my prefered mode of travel and entrance)
I arrived earlier today with my full contingent of Friends , Family and Helpers, all 52 of them.Everone had dressed for the occaision and I must say we all looked a right sight for sore eyes! Nigel and the Tzar both wore crowns .... don't ask I have absolutely no idea why? The Vladdette looked stunning as usual in her wonderful , blood red ball gown and cape of stars. I of course wore my DJ and a purple cummerband, the whole ensemble set off by my cape. We all had made an effort but I will not bore you by listing each and every one.
My first duty on arrival , after making sure that everyone was given a drink and shown into the great Ice Ballroom with its' wonderfull views of the snow white country side, was to check on security........ they have been with the family for millions of years but they do tend to be a bit lapse and and will let anyone in for the merest of bribes . They once let the Mongul Hordes in for a couple of animal skins and some poppy seeds! It is not unknown either for them to pop off round to the back of the Palace to have a crafty fag thus leaving the place open to any interloper, spy or cut -throat who might wander in. Luckily for them they were on the ball tonight and not only did I find them where they were meant to be, they were even checking invites!
By 7.15pm we were all in place to greet the guests , when there was a terrible crash from the ante - room to the ballroom, it was of course Ivan, (he was resplendent in a maroon suit with gold cummerband and matching bow tie and a cape of gold and black spheres that gently moved as he walked.) He had some how upset the Grandmother with the Invisible cape and she had put a 'blinding spell' on him, which meant he could not see where he was going and had walked into one of the wine waiters thus causing mayhem.
By the time I reached the door to the ante-room my mother, Annuska was there removing the spell and trying to calm the terrified waiter! As always mother looked wonderful she had on a midnight blue ball gown edged with sliver bat wings that fluttered as she moved giving her dress the appearence of being ready to take flight at any second. On her her head she wore a crown of real stars and her cape was the finest red crepe georgette with tiny dead flowers in it ....beautiful.
After a few minutes she had all order restored and she and Ivan entered the ballroom looking just like the King and Queen of America!
By 8.15pm all guests were assembled, no mean feat as some of them had travelled light years and others through time and some even disturd their, sleep of the dead to show honour to 'the dear sweet lady' ( as Ivan referes to her) Grandmother to the rest of us..
At 8.30pm prompt the assemble dignitries past, present and future all heard the scratching of sharp claws approaching. A deathly hush fell on the ballroom and the temperature plumeted by several degrees. The huge wooden doors from the ante-room flew open with with a resounding crash sending three waiters flying ( note to assistant, waiter to be taken off future job list for baby Vlad, far too dangerous) and knocking Konan the Barbarian and my great mate Alexander to one side! The scratching got louder as the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape entered the room in her chair. (Well I say chair it is more a throne, made of black ivory. The back and seat are covered in a blood red material the like of which no human eyes have ever seen. The strangeness of the chair does not stop there it is like a living thing and has four clawed feet at the base of its' legs and two clawed hands on the end of its arms.) Entering as she did to total silence she made the most of things and looked around to see who she could recognise then with a voice as sweet as a thousand lemons she bawled "Let the revals begin" and they did.
Well my dears it is well below zero as I stand here dictating this report for you so I am off back inside to the party I need a word with old Ginis Khan I have some business to discuss with him.
I have enclose a photo of the Winter Palace all lit up for the party and some of the honoured guests ....But I warn you now you probably will not be able to make them out clearly remember imortals do not Photo well!..... If on the other hand they appear clear to you I suggest you check wether or not you may be immortal , if not get your eyes tested!!..... More party gossip tomorrow........................................


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