Vlad salutes you

Monday, July 17, 2006

It cannot be said of me tht I do not show gratitude where it is merited ( even to those who are so far beneath my notice normally) there have over the Millenia been mere mortals that have been of assistance to me and I am quite happy to let them bask in my glory!! I have had dealings the years between 1431 to 1476 with a Transylvanian dignitory of a similar name to mine! Also
King Louis XVI of France and his charning wife Marie Anntionette , Casanova , a certain medical gentleman by the name Jeckle and his amicable side kick Mr Hyde all charming people who I have confered my blessings on!! their names are legion and they would need no introduction but I will not bore you with a long list now!!....What is my point I hear you say, where is this theme leading us you ask?? Well I will tell you the Aunt frank has once again come up trumps , the dear, sweet lady has procured all of the fabric I had requested. ( It never ceases to amaze me what the little threat of didgets being removed , or the slightest crumb of a compliment can do!!) especially where these humans are concerned. Well Aunt Frank I salute you and bow to you very deeply. I have visited my castle and am pleased to report that not only has all the materal afore mentioned been deposited in the green room of the west wing but my staff have started cutting and sewing and soon it will be ready for transportation to the Winter Palace.
I will say one thing though if I ( Vlad the Omnipotent) wish to quantify my measurment in yards you should defere to me I AM AFTER ALL OLDER THAN YOU ( I am after all older than all of you!!)
Good News, Ivan has been joined by my beautiful mother Annuska and so I can relax a little as she is keeping an eye on his side of the preparations for the party and also at the same time keeping the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape sweet!! I really do not know how she does it but I would take my hat off to her .....if I wore one. Thanfully for all involved the Party is scheduled to take place this Saturday and then we can all breath a sigh of relief.
I know all my friends will be glad to be part of the celebrations, Nigel and the Tzar have been arguing over what wear and White Ted has been organising the Disco whilst Mr GEE and Mr G Rafft have been putting up the decorations in the Ice Ballroom at the Winter Palace , they don't need ladders you know the have very long necks!!
I will have to leave shortly as my feeble, lilley livered assistant is not at her best tonight .....when is she ever at her best I hear you ask...I can't answer that one..I am surrounded by incompitence. I have noticed that at the end of last nights blog she mispelt the word photos. DO NOT FEAR SHE WILL BE ADMONISHED!!
Tonights photos are firstly a photo of me and the family and White Ted,then a as a treat one of ME!! and lastly one of the exterior of my Hand Crafted Transylvian Coffin.
Must be gone things to see people to do...........................


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