Vlad salutes you

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hail and Salutations friends...... I was a tad disconcerted when I visited my Blog this evening!! Why , well you may ask. I thought my feeble minded and lipwristed, lilley livered assistant had made another mistake (nothing unusual were she is cocerned) as the first entry to this blog had dissapeared! Imagine my horror all my wonderful words dissapeared, luckily for her they have just been tidied away , obviously a web type thing and it is now to found under previous posts!!
I must not be too hard on the poor creature she has had a hard day at work I will not go into it boring human triffles, but I will say that were she works they are being told that they do not smile enough at the customers that they have to deal with and they must smile more and fall over backwards to placate anyone who might or might not have the tiniest of grievances. Personally I think that is stupid and would love five minutes with the grumpiest of those picky customers............ or two seconds on the tannoy...perhaps I would have to wear my Cape of Invisiblity ........... yes that would be fun!!
So far today there has been nothing ,in the comments department, from the imfamous Ted and despite their best efforts not one of my spies have come up with any evidence of his idenity or whereabouts!! OK Ted you have eluded me so far but DO NOT for a second think you can keep this up!! You will be found.
The party , well all is running smoothly now thanks to my mother Annuska who is keeping my bungling father under her wings. After his near fowpar with caterers she is double checking all he does!!The fabric sluptures and drapes are finished and now in situ in the Winter Palace. The whole place has been freshly decorated for the party and it certainly looks a treat, stalagmites, stalagtites, and ice sculptures all glistening and pristeen, the floor in the ice ballroom back to its former glory after Ivans' mishap with the heating in fact every one of three hundred and ten rooms excluding dugeons and servants quarters are looking a dream!!!!! (or do I mean nightmare) and are ready for the party to end all partys.
As i said I was over at the palace on the Kola peninsular where the temperature was a pleasant
42f /


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