Vlad salutes you

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I am growing extreemely concerned by the comments being left on my blog by an unknown personage called Ted? Who is this creature who keeps coming back time after time and making comments, increasingly, of a highly personal nature!!At first they were innocent enough the adoration of loyal menial. Of late though he has started casting aspersions on my attire, this is not allowable I am after all an imortal and my robes are ancient infact my cape is eons old. It was first given to me by my mother Annuska who had been given it by the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape. She( the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape ) had fashioned it from an off cut of her own cape!! And so this Ted fellow is now running the Gauntlet of my entire family's wrath! It is not for a mere mortal to criticize me I AM OLDER THAN HE IS ......I am older than any of you!!!! I am willing to accept and suitable donations of capes fit for a creature of my magnatude. Unfortunately the offer made by my lovely wife however kind is not really suitable. Though this has nothing to do with fact that this Ted said it would make look like a ponce!!
I have my spies working day and night at the moment to track him down.......So my dear Aunt Frank if you read this whatever it is that you need my boys for , it will have to wait as I have them fully employed at the moment.
News on the Party , I hear you wondering how are things going as the hours tick by and the event creeps ever closer! ( rather like the Grandmother with the Invisible Capes' chair). Well I am pleased to report that in the Green Room of the West Wing of my Magnificent Castle the fingers ( the fingers are the only parts that are visible of these servants, who are known as the stiching hands) are busy creating fabulous fabric scluptors and drapes ready for transportation to the Kola Peninsular for this Saturday. Ivan and Annuska have engaged caterers from Iow one of the moons of Mars.........a little known company, granted but they are an established family business and come highly recomended. Ivan had wanted to use an earth bound company ..a scotish sounding purvayors of burgrers , luckily Annuska talked him out of this . Luckily for him as the Grandmother hates beef burgers almost as much as she hates poor Ivan!!!
I have been up there today and everything is looking good, all is hustle and bustle, just as it should be before such a great event. Abbi the Rabbi has been tapping away all day sending invitations by email to the more modern of the guests and White Ted who has wonderful copper plate handwriting has been addressing the scrolls and parchments ( which have legs, arms and radar and so can deliver themselves) to our older and more traditional guests. I have to report that his paws are not so white tonight!
Photos well the top one is of Nigel trying on a crown for the party , the second is Abbi at the keyboard and thirdly White Ted with one of the scrolls looking paler than normal due to all his efforts.Lastly a photo of me with a good friend who will of course be at the party Saturday.
I must away now so if you are out there TED who ever you are Show yourself ...Stand up and be counted!!
Before I depart I must again appologise for the typos made by my Feeble minded assitant, she left the A out of that right at the begining of last nights report......I am surrounded by INCOMPIDENCE!!


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