Vlad salutes you

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Today has been yet again extreemely hot and the comments left by that Ted, last night have not improved my temper at all!! Firstly there is nothing wrong with my cape!! As I have already told you not only is it more ancient than any of you mere mortals could possibly percieve. It was given to by my Mother Annuska after it had been fashioned for me, from an off cut of her own cape , by the Grandmother with The Invisible Cape. I cannot emphasize enough the fact that that creature does not do anthing for anyone lightly ( Infact it is almost on heard of for her to do anything for anyone) Further more it posesses magic powers and not only helps me to traverse Universes in seconds but it can also, at a nano seconds notice cloak me in invisiblity!! The clours of my cape are that of my Family crest , Black and Purple and so it would be a travesty for me to wear any other colours.
Imagine my horror when it was suggested by Ted that he had some Irish Leprechauns employed making me a new cape in the colours of Green and Gold....well words escape me!! The fact that Ted could not spell Leprechauns correctly speaks volumes as to his crediblity!! He also let himself down by announcing that it would be "just the jobby" ....need I say more? Not satisfied with insulting me personally he went on to cast aspersions on my gallant band of helpers!!
I am hear to tell you Ted it is not, gentlemanly, not clever , not big and NOT REMOTELY FUNNY! I am not amused.
I am hurt and flustered by these insults and so all I can tell you about the preparations for the Party of the Millenia is that they are all still going well. I will have to go and rest now and get my barely adequate assistant to mop my brow and get me a strong drink ( perhaps a warm blood group O)
This evenings photos are are most of my helpers (apart from the undercover ones) I dare you to mock them again SIR!!..........................


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