Vlad salutes you

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I think that I have been making some in-roads to the weather. Last night whilst at the Castle in Transylvaina I did my bestest rain dance and pictured your little Island as I did so. I think I did quite well though all day long I have heard people complaining that it was not enough!!!!! What do you people want...... I lay my soul on the line...I endanger my paws ...... I do my best and all you do is complain! Also the fact that I and a few old friends ( so old actually I had a job digging them up) had a game of intergalactic bowls by flash light!!! is not open for you to question , I heard all the comments about not being able to sleep because of the noise and the light. Well I am not going to waste any more time on this subject I have done you all a favour if you are not grateful that is your fault!!
Now, possible you are wondering why I was summonsed to see the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape ( maybe you are not but I will tell you any way) When I arrived I was kept waiting in the drawing room , at a sub zero temperature and completely in the dark! After I had been there for half an hour the door opened and Boris the old family retainer came in and announced that the Grandmother was ready to see me and that she was not in a mood to be kept waiting!!
Now I must say it is always a pleasure to see Boris , he has been with the family for a long, long time. I always used to play practical jokes on him especially when he first join the castles' retinue.
Anyway as I was saying, I was ushered into the Great Hall by Boris who promtly dissapeared. I said I had been waiting in the freezing drawing room but as I entered the hall I felt the temperature drop again, dramatically! On hearing the blood curdling cackle of Grandmothers greeting "Vlad is that you ......You took your time" I wrapped my cape apound myself and flew up the center of of the dark long room towards the huge fieplace at the far end. Where the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape was seated in her Chair awaiting me.
Forgive me please I will have have to stop there and continue tomorrow as a pressing matter has just cropped up!........................ I have enclosed a photo of the summer garden taken from the patio outside the drawing room. The other photo is of the window in the Great Hall ( I will explain about the gardens and finish why I was summons tomorrow)................................


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