Vlad salutes you

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Today has been very difficult for me as I have been coping with an injury!! Early this morning I decided enough was enough and you poor little beings needed some rain!! So with my characteristicly aboundant kindness I started a rain dance to help you all out. Well I was 15/20mins into my usual routine and of course it was working like a dream ( this is the routine I taught the Suix and the Camanche Indians great friends of mine ...but I digress) the heavens were open and a great deluge was falling. Unfortunately though just as I was getting into the swing of things I stubbed my paw and had to stop! Sadly I could not continue as the pain was too great and so the rain stopped too! What can I say I tried, I even dragged the feeble minded assistant from her bed and made her dance .....usless sadly useless............................
This afternoon I recieved one of the Grandmother with the Invisible Capes ' communications. These are invaribly white parchment, tied with a blood red ribbon with two tiny black hands for grasping with and two tiny boney feet for scuttling with ( not to be viewed by the faint hearted) As soon as I saw it I new there was no escape from it so giving into the inevitable I let the irritating little thing catch up with me and scale my cape. With a skeletal little claw it tapped me on the shoulder. After it had poked me in the eye ( rude little thing) I read it and saw that it was a summons from the Grandmother .
There is simply no point in doing anthing else than just complying with her demands. I was visiting a friend of mine ( you know the one with the office with a window where I can watch trains and eat chocolate) I just had to leave her in the lurch and dash off!
At this moment in time the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape is staying at the Castle in Transylvania. There was nothing else for it so I took my usual route. Out over the White Cliffs of Dover, accross Paris, leaving France and crossing Germany , then on to the Czech Republic and stopping there for light refreshment ( Pork Dumplings and Sauerkraut washed dowwn by Ice and Straw Wine) Once I had digested that I was off again over Slovakia and the village where the two Slove Bats come from. Then over the Carpathian Mountains and into the Valley Trinova Mare in which the castle is situated.
The journey took me five minutes even with the comfort stop!
Why was I summons ........... I will enlighten you later!
I have enclosed a photo of the Great Hall and one of the Castle viewed from the Winter Garden ..I do hope you like them I think they are two of the best views of the entire Castle!! I am very busy now so will speak again soon......................................


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