Vlad salutes you

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Ok I am up and running again having had a good rest after the Party. I did not have much time to rest though as there was plenty to organise, servants to order about, accounts to settle old scores to sort!!!
Once again a big thank you to the Caterers from Iow, to all my helpers and spies!! Of course a big vote of thanks goes to my Mother and Father ( well Annuska anyway) and lets not forget good old Aunt Frank... if you are reading this Aunt a bunch of wilting roses, lillies and carnations are on their way to you as I speak. ( I told Messers Beurke and Hare only the best will do) Though it pains me I must thank the human mother too( my feeble minded assistant) who after all her mistakes did finally come up trumps.
There is however a downside to all this. A large number of valubles , crockery, silver, even the little soaps and towels from the loos and bathrooms is missing!! If any of my esteemed guest are reading this, you know who you are! I would grately appreciate what you took BACK!! So would the Granmother who says she will be visiting each and everyone of you in the near future , she knows where you are. So think on.
Not only have I been busy with the above but much of my time this week has been taken up with helping the BBC, in an advisory capacity, with their new programme 'Big Bear Week'. Obviously it has been in the making a long time and I have been assisting them since its conception. My knowledge has been invaluable to them. There are a lot of my friends appearing in it.
As it was a quiet day today I took Vladdette and Baby Vlad to Greece and so I have enclosed a photo of us on a fly by of one of the Ancient Temples. We had a lovely time and on the way home we took a detour so Baby Vlad could see The Great Wall of China , as you can see Baby Vlad is now flying solo.(I SAID SOLO !...NOT SO LOW!!)
Just a little incidental information for you not only was I instramental in the design of the Great Wall I also laid the first brick.
I must be off now people to do..............................


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