Foggy Morning...Bewildered Dawnings

Well he took the mother out to lunch and so whilst they were out I sorted the problem for him ..being a very wise and old Vampire I was clever enough to let him think he had solved the problem. The mother then cooked a fruit cake to say WELL DONE to the father for fixing the problem, I had suggested that she do this subliminally as I am rather partial to her fruit cake and so far this evening I have been given two huge chunks!!
If you remember last night I was called away to see the Grandmother who is visiting old, old friends in Salem USA. I spent a pleasant evening with them cooking some abominable STEW IN A HUGE BLACK CAULDRON I spent most of the time searching for ingredients such as eye of newt , leg of frog have you any idea how hard it it is to find eye of newt these days.....well I am telling you now it nigh on impossible!! The worst was those old cronies of the Grandmother kept asking were my wings were ....thankfully I do not have any!!!Anyway after we had eaten we spent a pleasant evening and night terrorising the whole state!!
When I was leaving the Grandmother asked me to go and check how the grapes in the summer garden at the Castle in Transylvania were progressing ( that is one of the four season gardens at the Castle) ....She was looking forward to the first bottle of the year of our lovely red. Always the dutiful grandson I made it my business to return via the castle and look in on things ....I am glad to report that I found that the harvesting of the grapes was finished and the trampling (of said grapes ) had already begun. I , ever helpful joined in with the rest of the employees and have enclosed a photo of me Trampling the Crop!!The other photos are of Nigel ( AKA Nycol) who has borrowed my crown finishing off the Superior Water Closet for the father!
I must again be off as the Tzar and Nigel are accompanying me to the official wine tasting so it is up up and away to Transylvania ........................................
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