Vlad salutes you

Monday, October 30, 2006

Flying Pigs and Pink Elephants...HICK########

Pigs flying over the Sahara and I am riding them! Things here are most hectic .... I am so rushed off of my feet that I do not know what is happening one moment to the next. The feeble minded assistant has been hitting the Ginger Wine bottle this evening ( hard) and I am getting no sense out of her at all...useless worse than useless. Her excuse?? a hard day at work and a grumbling old wrinkly that verbally attack her....... I ask you, until she is attacked (verbally or physically ) by the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape she has nothing at all to complain about!!! Plans for tomorrows Party are all beginning to fall into place . All the Invites have been dispatched, the caterers are arriving tomorrow evening at 9.30pm the music has been organised by Ivan , under the supervision of Annuska ( so lets hope there is not too much Pink Floyd we need an eclectic mix to please everyone!) Vladdette has done a grand job organizing costumes for all the guests that could not provide their own, and mother ( Annuska ) has done marvels with the decore!! So as the hours tick away and the excitement grows I alone must keep my head and not panic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On human matters it was a very busy weekend two of the human mothers sons visited ....one was off to a birthday celebration and had managed to leave his smart cloths behind at his flat....the feeble minded assistant managed to cobble an out fit together for him we shall not look to closely into how or even why....but I will say he did look smart :) The other male offspring breezed in and out and was gone in a matter of hours. It never fails to amaze me how glad the feeble minded assistant is to see these boys of hers?????????????? beats me! On the Sunday the human mother and father were out all day at a family reunion ......the brother was celebrating his 60th birthday ( I did not start celebrating birthdays untill I was 10100 yrs old!) Well the whole family really had a good time and enjoyed each others company ....I was rather bored as there were no bloody fights or vicious verbal attacks that make my family reunions so entertaining and fun. sad these little humans but I have to humour them!
Tomorrow is also a big day for the feeble minded assistant and her friends and sisters ( they are even allowing the human father to accompany them) ....where and what are they up to you ask........ they are visiting the Tower of London. As special treat I have arranged for my friend Odin ( you remember the Raven ) to take them on a tour of the tower! I am sure we will hear more about that tomorrow!!
I am afraid I can spare you no more time this evening I have to organise the Fireworks and meet a troop of juggling witches who are part of the entertainment tomorrow night.
The photos are a sample of the banquet and two of me riding a flying pig...why am I riding a pig ............................. BECAUSE I CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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