Vlad salutes you

Monday, October 16, 2006

Mother Nature ...Give her a hand !!

Have you ever wondered why the weather is so un -Autumn like at the moment , are you questioning the pleasant sun shine , the terrific wind, voilent and beautiful thunderstorms , cool mornings hot afternoons and evenings?? or are you just acepting it and blocking out what it might portend. Well I for one have ......not only am I questioning it I have been to see Mother Nature and asked her exactly what she is up to. I have mentioned before that she is quite a cantancerous lady at the best of times. Though in all the millions of years that I have had the honour to hold her aquaintence , I must say she has never been this odd?
I do not supose you have ever met her, though she is onipresent ( not unlike me , also like me she is an imortal) She is always here in full view but you humans never see her as you do not look any further than the ends of your noses. Never opening your eyes to what there is to see in the trees and the flowers , or sea , rivers or skies you do not see her........... but she sees you.
I can tell you now , from what she said to me earlier today she is not best pleased with you all?!!! No as far as she is concerned not only are you short sighted you are squandering her precious resources. Upsetting her seasons and she is not happy, all her flowers, trees and animals are confused she is loosing weight worrying about the hole in her ozone ( the ozone was her crowning glory and now it is so depleated she can hardly see it when she holds her hand mirror up! and that saddens her).
I have for my part done as much as I can to help I have had all my castles and properties fully insulated ( admittedly mostly for sound) and I am very careful not to use carbon fuel , gas or electric if I can help it!!! I travel everywhere under my own steam and encourage all my entourage to do likewise if they can. I have insisted that the human mother and father comply and help by having the loft insulated , cavity wall insulation and having a water meter fitted so I feel I am doing my best ....can you honestly say the same???
I have enclosed a tiny picture of Mother Nature it does not capture her entire glory...to be honest that would be impossible to do, but it will give you an idea of how lovely she is and what you are endangering by your short sighted desire for using up all resourses on this fragile planet.
The other photo is of me cycling up through the dawn skies to vist Mother Nature ...hard work all that peddling!!
I have to go , again Tommikins is on the rampage and I must go and sort him out!!
I will have more news on him and other events next time we meet!!!!!!


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