Vlad salutes you

Friday, October 13, 2006

Fairy.........Lights ??

Good evening, once again I am glad to get back and spend a few minutes chatting with you, my dear friends! When I left you last night I was off out to study this new craze you humans have dreamed up ( standing infront of traffic and cctv webcams .....and waving??) Well I am sorry to say that , yes I did find many of you partaking in this extreemely odd passtime?
I admit I did do a couple close fly bys of a few camers and gave whoever was watching an enegmatic smile :) I could not stay long as , you may remember I also had to troll off up north to visit the chappie who looks after the Aurora Borealis for me....not a bad chap but he has a rather unfortunately short memory and a decidedly weak will as far as having a tipple is concered!! When I arrived at his bungelow he was spark out on the bed and I am afraid to say much worse for wear. Aparently the infamouse Timmikins had been a visiting and had not arrived empty pawed. ........................ Well I tried in vain, to rouse him , all to no avail and so I was forced to sort the lights out myself, and then make him strong coffee and tidy his place up!!! I finally left him early this morning having had a few strong words with him.....and having cast a spell to keep Tommikins away for a while!!
I personally think I made a good job of the Northern Lights last night and have enclosed a photo of my efforts for to judge for yourselves!
On my way home I stopped off to have a chat with Gracie one of my oldest and dearest friends I have known her since I was a small cub .....As Annuska and Ivan ( my parents) say she does not seem to have age a jot in the millenia that she has been around!! I have enclosed a photo of her chatting with me earlier, again you can judge for yourselves. Gracie is another ( and I may add the the lastof ) the Autumn Faries that I have had to awake this month .
Well again my friends I must depart I HAVE PEOPLE TO DO , PLACES TO SEE AND MANY MEN TO TALK TO ABOUT MANY DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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