Vlad salutes you

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Problems with Madge continued

What wonderful weather we are having today. I have spent a very happy morning on the windowsill of the mothers friend ( she with the important job and great view of the trains) watching the wind and rain batter the trees outside in the darkness..it is wonderful just like night time!! It puts me in mind of winter nights at the Grandmothers Castle in Transylvainia , fires roaring peasants, roasting. Those were the days when we could roast peasants you can not do it now as it is not politically correct!!
Snow eight foot deep outside and everyone sitting around moaning and groaning...AH!! such wonderful memories!! there has been far too much sun shine this year for my liking.... it has cost me a fortune in sun block and creams!!
As you may recall I was telling you last night how I and the Slove bats had visited Madge , how I had been in to see her and try and calm, said Madge down, whilst the Sloves had been out into the garden to speak to Raynard and his partner Frieda! I had just reached the part where the Sloves had returned to report to me when I was called off once again to assist Ivan ( my father) with Tommikins who yet again was causing trouble this time on a regal scale...that is a story best left for another time ( if ever )
As I was saying I had got Madge down off of the freezer and the Aunt Frank had poured her a stiff Brandy to calm her nerves. The Aunts' Husband in true heroic style had been into his study and retreived a shot gun to dispatch the errant miscreants outside. All was steadying down and tempers were begining to cool as the Sloves entered the conservatory. We all stood in silence as we listened to their report. It turns out that Raynard had been bunged ( I beleive that is the correct term) a substansial sum of money to prowl around the Aunt Franks' premises and cause as much disturbance as possible. Apparently all Madges fears for her own well being were totally unfounded ( not an unusual occurance for one so neurotic!!) The Aunt Frank being the main , and apparemtly totally unphased and unaware object of these scare tatics.
Who you may ask was behind this campaign of terror............................... IT WAS THE IMFORMOUS TED!!!!!! Yes I too had thought we had heard the last of him, obviously not!
I am afraid I must again be off as Ivan has sent me another urgent communication about Tommikins and he needs me with him forthwith!!
The photos are Madge checking the coast is clear ( once again even though she has been assures it is) the other and far more important photo is of myself making the mother and father a drink ( I have no idea why I spoil them so but I do!!)
I will be back as soon as I have helped Ivan out of yet another fix that tommikins had gotten him into. Farwell for now................................


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