Vlad salutes you

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The weather has been truely dissapointing today . I was hoping for gales and floods ,I have grown bored of the mediocre climate here in the shires I long for the extremities of the outerplanets where I have spent former lifetimes. This little planet of yours can become very unrewarding at times..... What keeps me here I hear you asking............... Well the truth is I have grown fond of the mother ( AKA the feeble minded assistant) and her family and friends they have found a place in what would be my heart, if I posessed such a thing, which I do not!!
Enough of that we had started talking about Madge and her problems.You may recall she sent me an email some months back ....here is a recap for you incase you have only resently joined our happy band!
The Aunt Frank got in touch with me whilst I was in the throws of arranging the Grandmother with the Invisible Capes' Millenium party....The aunt was most concerened that Madge was very depressed and terrified to venture outside the house . The reason why .. you ask... well may you ask... Raynard the fox !! ( a photo of him can be seen in Last Nights blog.
Poor Madge was worried out of her mind, house and egg bound and even ( to the Aunt Franks dismay) tried on several occaisions to top herself. A completely usless excercise as being neither human nor mortal there is no way she could perform such a feat!!
Apparently Raynard had been visiting the garden and making leud and crude approaches to Madge!! Dissapointed that he was getting no encouragment from said lady ( I use the term loosely as I have intermated before Madge is not known for her decorum. Rather for her loose wings and legs!!)
I shall have to continue this tomorrow a carrier bat has arrived bearing a message from my real father Ivan ..................... It would appear Tommikins is up to his shinanagins again and my presence and help is required!!
I am sorry I will go and assist. Before I go tonights photos are me with another Autumn Fairy ( Casiopia a slendid name for a young fairy do you not think) preparing for the unset of another season ...never mind kissing frogs they have to kiss a Vampire Bear before all the leaves fall from the trees ....I rather like Autumn! The other two Photos are of Madge creeping around the Garden looking for signs of Rayard!!


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