Vlad salutes you

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Today was the mother ( aka the feeble minded assistants' day off) and so she has been totally selfish and done only what she wanted to even went out to lunch with the human father!!!!! I on the other hand have been extreemely busy, as usual,well what else can you expect of an imortal with so much to attend to! I arrived back early this morning ( having taken baby Vlad for an educational visit to the London Dongeons and for a moonlit flying lesson over the Carpathian Mountains). After I had bathed the Baby and put him in the coffin I headed off to assist the mothers friend , after that I had to collect some Euros from my castle dugeons ( I have a little chap sits there most days making them just for my use!!.....do not worry he is happy doing so and has a nice long chain so he can move around....only joking...:)
Talking of Castles , which I was yesterday ( even though it is not as grand as mine and Known as The Tower of London) shall I continue to tell you why Cedric had asked his second cousin Mavis to contact me? You would like that ...ok then. As I explained yesterday Cedric is one of the seven ravens that live and work at the Tower of London ( They protect the Kingdom from destruction and so not a job to sneezed at!!) I had arrived under cover of my cape of invisiblity and made my to Tower Green where Cedric and the others were awaiting me!
I was really pleased to see them all again.Thor,Odin,Gwyllum,Hugine,Munin, the eldest and most senior whose name is Hardey and of course my old mate Cedric! Funny thing was they did not look their normal smart selves, infact they looked disheveled , ruffled and if I did not know better a tad worse for drink!!! I was to say the least a little taken a back.
After we had all said our hellos and enquired after each others health it was all too clear that my, usually, fine feathered friends were exhausted and dizzy with tiredness!
What I enquired was the reason for this? Lack of sleep they replied......... Well I never I said astounded knowing they had comfortable billets next to the Wakefield tower, I just could not understand why they were suffering from lack of sleep. Hardey stretched his wings and fluffed his feathers up and announced " It's the Ghosts!!"
Sorry I will have to stop there again , would you beleive after all the trouble I had the other week sorting out the twit I employ to turn on and off the Auroura Borealis tonight he has forgotten where the switch is so my dear friends I must away and sort it out....people will be depending on me ..the weight of responsiblity ways heavy!!! Before I go tonights photos are of me arriving at the Tower of London with my cape of invisiblity on and the other is of Cedric ...looking every inch the proctor that he is!!!! Farewell til I return.............................


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