Vlad salutes you

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Luckily for all involved Tommikins, the Grandmother with the Invisible Capes' cat has been safely returned to her without her suspecting anthing about where or more acutely to the point with whom he had been!! I can also report that I have been out to Spain and allayed a major dissaster for the Aunt Frank. She is now happy again and so ( with any luck she will relay the fact that I have been of assistance to her to the Grandmother) I can now relax for a bit!!...............
Tomorrow I am planning on taking the entire entourage of family and friends to my Island Paradise for a day of recreation and fun and hope fully for me some rest!! Have you seen that programe on the TV I beleive it is called Love Island well I can assure you it will be nothing like that!! Nothing for the best for me and mine!
Tonight I will be out clubbing with the lads and so all you partiers out there had best be on the look out for us ...when we party we do it seriously!!
Time now to return to the on going saga of Valentina and Millaine the Villaine.
The Grandmother had gone and as the last of the thunder died away we could all hear Millaine protesting he had had a hard life and an uhappy childhood ( a fact I personally know to false he infact came from a very loving and happy family!) Well his words were falling on deaf ears, the bats that had been charged with his safe passage to Tranylvania were not listening they all had their ear pieces in and their ipods on! and so it was to no one in particular that he was complaining as they took off with him in tow and receeded into the distance.
As normality returned to the garden and the sun burned away the clouds and smoke, the birds flew down and feasted on the debris ( remains of the dead air core and foot soldiers) we stood and watched as the last of the remaining flea army fled the sceen.
Later sitting in the bungelow sharing a celebratery breakfast with Valentine we wondered how our beloved friend White Ted was faring.I assured everyone that he would be fine in my mothers' care ( Annuska was a brilliant nurse , as she brillant at everthing she turned a claw to). After we had gone over the events of that morning and thanked our luck that Ivan and Annuska had turned up with the troops just in the nick of time I helped Valentina to cover all our tracks so that her pet humans would never know we had even been there let alone fought an horrendous battle.
All too soon it was time for us to leave. We were all assembled on the lawn The Gem bears , the two Slove Bats and Valentina and myself to say our goodbyes...Valentina asked me to keep her informed of White Ted progress and not to leave it too long before I bought the family over to visit her! In turn I asked her to email Tinker who would be worring as to the outcome of the battle and to let the Vladdette know we were on our way home. Then with their usual aguements and and niggling the two Sloves and the Gem Bears flew off ( haphazadasly with the weapons chest) and then after a last farwaell I left a happy and safe Valentina sitting on her front drive. As I disappeared I heard her female human calling her in for her elevnses...................
Well now I must go and get ready for my night out when you are as old as I am it takes a tad longer!!!! Oh! yes tonights photos are of Valentina checking under her bed to be sure none of Millaines fleas were lurking there ( fear not they were not) and the other is dear Tinker awaiting news ( like a coiled spring!!) ..........................What happened to Millaine AHA! well that is another story, for another time! ..................


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