Vlad salutes you

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Hail friends, and this evening I have a special greeting to impart to my good friend Graham....how are you my good old Pal are you still running the line single handed...well as good as??
I suspect that you are all wondering where and what I have been up to since we last spoke on Saturday evening?
Well to be honest it has been one mad social whirl........ Sunday the mother and father ( the human ones) visited their youngest offspring and his lovely lady and put up a curtain rail for them , they then went out to lunch................. I had to accompany them and supervise. Yesterday I new the mother ( aka the feeble minded assistant) would be OK at work as my mate Graham would be there to watch over her, even though he nearly forgot her tea break, I was confident he would take care of her. So I was able to joined my real father, Ivan, up at the Winter Palace for a days fishing while my real mother, Annuska and Vladdette took baby Vlad out to buy a pair of shoes. Vladdette needed some new capes so they decided to do the shopping in New York.Today I have been helping the mothers' friend, the one with difficult job. Her new Boss started today so I had to suss him out and advise her as to how best to handle him!! Well we did well and even found time to share some hoola hoops and a glass of orange juice ( though I would of prefered warm blood , but one can not be churlish)
Right it is now time to return to the tale of Valentina and Millaine the Villaine and his evil hoards. If I remember correctly we had them on the run and Millaine had been air lifted out of harms way , leaving his foot soldiers to fend for themselves!!........ there was an acrid smell of burning pervading the entire garden and everywhere you looked all you could see were black and charred bodies.The two Sloves were all for dashing after those of Millaines' troops who were now fleeing the battlefield. Fornuately for all concered I am older and wiser than than anyone ( except maybe the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape, on a fine day with the wind behind her!!) So I halted them and ordered them back to their posts and only just in time because as they begrudgingly returned to their positions a new air attack began. Again White Ted lifted the Shield of Greatness and as the bombs began to fall around us the Shield expanded and gave us all shelter! Things were begining to get very nasty indeed we could hear Millaine shouting orders over a megaphone and see all the troops who had fled the field regrouping!! We opened the weapons chest and got out the sling shots and the insect repelant and started to bombard the skyborn bomber gnats but they were quick and very nifty. Then to our dismay a stray bomb slipped under the shield..I threw myself infront of the others, being imortal I knew I could take the full blast and not be injured ( maybe a bruise or two). Well I did take the full blast but to my horror , when the noise of the bomb and tremors and black smoke susided I discovered that my best friend White Ted had been hurt and by the look of him he was in a lot of pain!! The two Gem Teds rushed to his rescue . Leaving me and the two sloves to fight of the gnats.....with A FLURISH OF, MY VERY SMART CAPE, ( you know what I meanTed ? SMART CAPE) I grabbed a slingshot from where one of the Gem Teds had dropped it and began to slay those evil gnats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This went on for half an hour but at least the Sloves and I could see that we were winning and the gnats were getting fewer and fewer.............. White ted on the other hand was not fairing so well! He was failing fast and that called for desparate measures!! So I stepped forward from beneath the shield and holding my cape infront of me so I was invisible I flew up into the air............................... and there we will have to leave it for tonight , the feeble minded assistant is tired and wants to go to bed. ME? well I am off out Vladdette and I are off clubbing. ( Clubbing what I am not sure yet!!) Tonights photo is of the injured White Ted being tended for by the Gem teds.


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