Vlad salutes you

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Goodevening...what a day it has been! I have been extreemely busy , The feeble minded assistant needed me to help her at work today.Not only did I have to cope with the (human )mothers work place ....... which is enought to send a sane Vampire mad but I also had to watch over the Father ( the human one ..thankfully not as much as a handful as Ivan my real father but a handful all the same!!!) He again has been blundering around in the Superior Water Closet and that means that I have to supervise his every move. Trouble is he is convinced that he is capable and does not realize that I am helping. And of course on top of all that I have all my other duties to manage...and that half whit who looks after the Auroa Borealis is always letting me down.
Well enough of my travials I best continue with our tale of Valentina.
When we left off the tale last night White Ted, Valentina the Slove Bats ,the Gem Teds and myself were all sat in the conseratory discussing our plan of attack! I say plan of attack because we Vampires do not do defend we attack! Valentina was so glad we had arrived and went out to her kitchen to get some plates and glasses so we could have the food White Ted had bought with him from home. We had only left there two hours ago but it seemed as if we had been away at least a week. Vlantenia returned from the kitchen looking rather worried someone had been out into the garden and left the door open and she was concerned incase any of Millaines hoards had gained entry to the bungelow, well before I could stop them the two hotheaded Slove Bats had dashed off and were investigating the entire place to see if any of them had got in. I took Valentina out to the kitchen and searched every draw, cuboard, nook and cranny for evidence of illegal entry. As it was we all drew a blank and as soon as we were all satisfied that we were unbreached we sat down and enjoyed our meal and even found time to reminiscence on old times.
When we had all eaten and drunk and remembered old times we got down to business. We checked the contense of the weapons chest and found that we had all we would need...Battle axes, sling shots, battering rams,cross bows ,long bows,gauntlets,shields pots for boiling oil in and of course ....The Sword of Invincibility and the Shield Of Greatness.....and of course the the users manual. I drew up a plan of the garden , with Valentinas help, we deduced were Millaines' troops would have the most difficulty in advancing and the best places we could lay traps...we would not lay defences as VAMPIRES DO NOT USE DEFENCES! Tactics discussed, plans sorted, weapons devided we settled down for the night to have some rest..the battle would commence at dawn!
I must go now as the father has the electric saw out and he cannot be trusted with either ... saw or electricity! So tonights picture is of the spot in Valentinas' garden where the battle of all battles took place and the other is of Valentina discovering the open back door!! I will be back tomorrow so take care.........................


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