Welcome my dear friends this evening you find me relaxed and calm....there has been no real pressure on me today........... So I have just taken it easy a few wines a couple of good meals and a good long rest in my coffin! Eternal living is good!!! You should try it , I can certainly recomend it.
Tonight I am taking the Vladdette to Ursa Minor , we have friends there who are always pleased to see us. After a meal we will all go out and trip the light fantastic arcross the stars and planets. I have to admit that we are very lucky to be what we are and be able to do what we do and know that , that is how it always will be! .................... I do feel for you with all you worries, morgages, ilnesses and jobs, but I supose if there were not souls like you ( mere mortals) I would not appreciate my lot.
Ok as I have just said I am going out tonight so I will continue with The Empresses tale without further ado!
After he had picked himself up and brushed himself off Ivan, a smile the size of
Looking across and Ivan I asked him if he would tell me all he knew about Millaine the Villaine. My Father looked very serious ( I do believe that that was the very first time I had ever seen father look or react like that) He sat upright and said " Listen to me son you do not want to mess with that snidy bit of work!!"
We will have to leave things there for now as Vladdette is reay and she look horrendous (the best I have seen her I must say...Lady in Red? eat your heart out!!) Tonight I have enclosed a photo of my beloved Vladdette as she looks tonight and also a photo from the telescope of where we are going ..................... Take care my friends I will be back soon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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