Vlad salutes you

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Once again I have been doing my rain dance on your behalves....I trust that you will show a tad more appreciation this time........ I am warning you because I shall stop all together if I hear anymore moans!!
I noticed that there has been no contact from that Ted today , well what can you expect from one who has a problem stringing two sentences together and can hardly spell ( or is that smell) I for one am grateful as, as much as he goes on about my cape, I SHALL NOT BE CHANGING IT!!
I was startled today when I was contacted, by an old friend of mine The Empress Valentina.
Not having heard from her for a while I was of course very pleased that she had made contact.Unfortunately , for her, she is being held prisoner in her own place by, one Millaine the Vilaine! and his evil hordes.
Now I know this Milaine of old and a nastier , meaner, ungentlemanly piece of work you would be hard put to find. I have had more than one run in with him. It would appear that he has been laying siege to her dwelling and she she has been trapped there for over a week.
The Empress I should explain is a cat...no ordinary cat I must add but one of Russian and Royal connections. She has two human servants who she is very fond of , even though they are most peculiar and would you believe they think they own her, it makes me laugh the way you humans delude yourselves!! but I must not digress. As I was saying she lives with her two servants, who are blissfully unaware of the peril they are presantly in.
Since last week Millaine has been gathering his forces now some forty thousand strong and slowly but surely they have been advancing, inch by inch up the garden towards the house. Poor valentina has been sitting, and watching through the big picture window that looks out on the newly painted decking. So far she has been able to keep the humans safe and unaware of the impending danger ( strange really but she really cares for them?) But as time is passing and Millaine and the hordes grow ever closer she has realized she is fighting a loosing battle, before she even starts. Being a very clever cat she decided to wait no longer and ask me for my help(well what else is a girl in trouble to do)
Good grief ....I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS...... Nigel has just come in worse for wear ( you remember Nigel he of the long tail and black coat!! parchial to wearing paper crown) I do apologise I will had to deal with him before the Vladdette sees him ....she is very short tempered at the moment, and we do not want any trouble?
When I return I will tell you all about Millaine the Villaine and let you know how The Empress is getting on.
I have posted a photo of Empress watching out for Millaine and also one taken with me in happier days when she was not much more than a kitten. .....Hold on Nigel old friend steady as you go watch out for that door...................................................


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