Vlad salutes you

Monday, July 31, 2006

After a while of silence that Ted has struck again!! He is now saying my (new cape made by his team of Leprehauns) is almost finished and will be dispatched soon.....The fact that the idiot posted his comment twice in the space of two minutes and can neither spell Leprehauns nor dispatched correctly speaks louder than any disparaging remarks I could possible make!!
Well enough of Ted I have more important things to talk about.
Now I was telling you what happened when I was talking to the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape. Just before I had to dash off on Friday night.
Well she had asked me to put another skuttle of coal onto the fire , which was suprise enough in itself as she dislikes fires and always only has them burning for show rather than for heating purposes. She then uttered words that sent the chill of a thousand years through my body, stopped the clock in the far corner from ticking and halted, all the ghostly souls held within the Great hall, in their tracks!! "Thank you for all the hard work you put into arranging my party" I was stunned and begged her pardon. She promtly hit me with her silver, skull headed walking stick!! "I will not repeat those words ever again." she roared and pulling herself up out of her seat, growing to three times her normal size she open her mouth and bawled at me "If you did not hear me the first time that is your funeral ....would that you were capable of having a funeral!!!!" With that she sat back down in her chair looked me in the eye and grined....most disconcerting. With a very loud 'tut' she hit the side of her chair and off it scurried at an alarming speed , down through the Hall scattering Ghostly Souls and dust as she went....as she approached the double doors at the far end of the hall they flew open there was Ivan (my Father) standing with a wide and stupid smile on his face "Mother-in -law how wonderful to see yo................. " he was stopped mid sentence the wind knocked out of him by her chair as the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape charged straight through him!!!!
"Your Grandmother is positively glowing , son she really appreciated her Party" Ivan boomed with pleasure!!
Do you know I think the Old Bat was genuinely grateful and the fact that she was actually admiting it was something unheard of in this Universe or any other for that matter!!
Tonights photo is a very rare one ...I had taken the Vladdette out for a romantic evening I had taken her back in time and space up north to meet one of my ancestors who had just arrived by ship. Till we meet again farewell for now my little human friends<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


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