Vlad salutes you

Friday, July 28, 2006

Once again good evening my friends ...how are you and what have you been up to in your busy little lives. I have as always been most busy. This morning however I had the chance to take a rest so I returned to my coffin and shut the lid ( on your world so to speak) until noon. Then I had to visit all my bear friends to ensure that the BBC had thanked them properly for allowing their cameras into their lives to share some very precious moments with them.
Now I had to rush off the other evening ( Thursday it was) as I said at the time something pressing had cropped up and I had to rush!! Well briefly the gravity around Ursa Minor was under extreeme pressure and I Vlad the Ever Helpful had to dash off and save the entire star from imploding. This is not the first time I have had to do somehing like that but as usual, with my normal aplome I set to and rescued the star.
Well that explained I will continue telling you what happened when I arrived in the Great Hall and the Grandmother greeted me. You will remember that I said the temperature had plumeted as I entered and that I could see her at the far end of the Hall by the fireplace. It is a very strange thing, you know, there is always a massive fire burning in that fireplace but there is never any heat eminating from it??
Separating me from the Grandmother was the huge table that runs the length of the Hall ( like the Grandmothers' chair it has tiny black clawed feet growing out of all its legs) The table was, as always covered with gold and silver plates and bowls of the finest china, and the crystal glassware was only matched by the wonderful chandeliers that hang from the cieling ( which is so far up you cannot see it) the whole place is tastefully covered with cobwebs and dust!
Now every person or creature who enters that room leaves a fragment of their soul behind and so whenever you enter there wether or not it is occupied it is always packed with ghostly figures from the present and the past and in the servants cases many, many dulicates . As usual it was no mean feat as I worked my way through the many, many souls that populate that place. There were those who I was glad to see and those I would rather not and of course I was there many fold (I tell you it becomes very confusing) so dipping and diving I worked my way through the ghostly populated chamber to lightly set down infront of the Grandmothers chair!
She looked at me and a most hidious grin lit up her tiny black bat face. "Vladimir my dear. How good of you to come so quickly !" I waited to hear what she wanted ...but was amazed when the next thing she uttered was " Put another skuttle of coal on the fire for me my dear little chap."
What happened next was equally suprising but it will have to wait until we meet again as I can hear the Vladdette calling me . She needs assistance with the Baby Vlad and I have better things to do than that!!! So I shall take my leave....................... Pauseing briefly to explain that the Castle in Transylvania has only four exits they each open onto a seasonal Garden meaning each has a permenant season eg the Winter Garden is a garden of perpetual Winter, the Summer Garden is a garden of costant Summer and so on. Well You have seen photos of the Summer and WinterGardens so tonight I have enclosed photos of the Spring and AutumnGardens ....................... OH! must Dash the little wife is coming this way with baby in tow!!!..........................


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