Vlad salutes you

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

You may all breath a sigh of relief, I am back! I had business to attend to in another galaxy, far, far away but that is now sucessfully concluded and so you my friends have me back....The feeble minded assistant and the Father ( the human one) have been away for the day. You will be amazed to know that they have been visiting The empress Valentinas' Humans....Yes now is that not that a coincidence ( as I am telling you all about the problems the Empress had with Millaine the Villaine) spooky or what??
Well I called in on the Empress this evening, on my way home and she informed me that the dear little humans had all had a wonderful time and had all behaved well..... they sound like
bunch of goody two shoes to me???
You have been waiting long enough for what happened next to Valentina so I shall continue with no further ado!...............................................................
Outside in the back garden the Vladdette kissed me lovingly one the Cheek and wished me luck. “Luck does not come into it, my dear" I said to reassure her. Though to tell the truth I did have my paws crossed behind my back.“Come now we must be off” I said clapping my paws to get everyone attention. “Now the Two Slove Bats can travel with Sapphire and Jade and go straight to the bungalow and keep an eye on things but be sure that you are not detected. White Ted and I will, under my cape of invisibility, go straight into the bungalow and speak with the Empress.” As I finished speaking one of the Black Slove Bat, the elder of the two and the bolder, said. “I suppose that we are carrying the weapons?” he turned to await my reply, which was fast and to the point “Well there are four of you!!Without anymore discussion The Vladdette returned to the house and stood at the window with all the other bears and of course Abbi the Rabbi and waived as the dark figures on the lawn jostled and heaved at the big Black weapons chest. After much to-do and squabbling I had to step in and sort the situation out. “Enough. One of you at each corner. Sapphire and Jade at the front to guide you and you two Sloves at the rear to take the weight and generate the speed. Now get on and make sure that you are not seen!” Then standing back, next to White Ted, we watched as the weapons chest, rather untidily took off and headed, at a dangerous speed and altitude towards the brick wall that enclosed the garden. It only just cleared the coping on top of the wall, skimmed the top of a nearby lamppost and then disappeared from sight. I turned and said to White Ted, with a laugh. “Lets hope they get there in one piece.” “Yes” replied White Ted. “It would help if they did not argue all the time! And just worked together as a team.” Rubbing my paws together I said to my friend. “Before we see the Empress I need to speak with my father and mother, not only are they close friends with the Empress they know a great deal about Millaine the Villaine.”
As we flew up into the night sky, White Ted holding tightly onto my Cape, he asked as to which of my family’s many residencies they were now headed. To his delight I replied. “The Winter Palace on the Kola Peninsular.” Oh! Good thought White Ted I love it there!” Being an immortal I can travel at amazing speeds and even though our journey took us all the way across Europe and up to the boarders of Russia because I was in a hurry it only took us five minutes to get there so before White Ted had got too excited we were stepping down on the gravel drive outside the elaborate Golden Doors at the front of the Winter Palace.
As we were brushing the snow from our cloaks we heard the sound of paws running across the marble floors within. “Vlad my boy is that you? Annuska my darling our little cub is here to visit quickly tell your darling mother that he is here and that he has that nice chap White Ted with him.” This was, of course my father Ivan rushing to open the door to greet us. As the doors bust open there was a resounding thud as Poor Ivan hit the deck. From deep within the large entrance hall they could hear a nasty cackling laugh.
“The Grandmother with the Invisible Cape” whispered White Ted. “Bless her” Said the crumpled heap on the floor that was Ivan....................................
I shall have to leave you all suspended in the air again as, as usual I have to dash off to sort out even problems!!! Tonights photos are one of Valentinas' garden by night and the other is of me, myself andI in the hall of Mirrors at the Castle in Transylvania (about which I will tell you all later)....................I must away now as duty calls!!


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