Vlad salutes you

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Greeting once again I have been busy. After sorting out the Auroa Borealis, and Helping Nassa on the sticky question of the old Mars Hoax I zipped around the globe and checked that the polar caps were both as they should be!!
The Mother ( AKA the feeble minded assistant ) was out and about today with her friend they have this strange habit of visiting old houses ............. they profess to being interested in History personally I think they are just plain nosy!! and they like to eat out as they are lazy and do not want to cook. Well I think they had a good time they were certainly there long enough........ I have seen it all before and lived in many of the places that they visit ( the money I could save them if they would only ask!!)
Well what sort of things have you mere mortals been up to , you have had the sort of weather you seem to enjoy all weekend so you cannot moan ( no doubt you will though) Personally I revel in in ice and snow and blizzards.
Enough idle chatter I hear you cry.......Tell us more about the Empress and her plight! Ok you impatient rabble here we go...................

After Tinker had informed me of the Empresses' plight I called an extraordinary meeting of a few chosen friends. All those invited to attend were most intrigued as to what could be happening now. When they had assembled I called them all to order. “Hurrmph!! Could I have everyone’s attention please?” I had to raise my voice slightly to be heard above the general chatter. “Young Tinker here has received a most distressing communication from one of her friends, the Empress Valentina from the Isle of White.” I had to stop here as there was a sharp gasp of recognition from every creature present. Raising a paw to silence everyone I continued. “Yes I know we all know her well but haste is of the essence and there is no time for questions or idle chatter.” I now had their full attention and as soon as I had caught my breath I carried on. “The two Slove Bats have been on a mission to appraise the situation and it is grave indeed. Not only is there a hoard of fleas laying siege to the bungalow were she lives but” and here I paused for effect, an old trick of mine but it always works and I had them all hanging on my every word. “But their leader is no other than Millaine the Villaine the notorious escapee from the Vonshoster International Flea Circus.”
For a second you could have heard a pin drop or a heart beat if any of those present had of had hearts to beat, which they did not! Then all hell broke loose as everyone spoke at once….I allowed this to last for a few seconds then noticing that the Vladdette was getting agitated about Baby Vlad being woken I called the assembly back to order.
“Right listen to me will you there is nothing to be gained from all this racket!” I could see no one was taking any notice of me. So with a wave of my paw I filled the room with a blinding flash of light and a deafening BANG!!! Well that did the trick, again there it was, the deafening silence. Once I had had everyone’s attention I continued. “As I have already said the Sloves have been over to the Bungelow to see how things are progressing and the news is bad. So we must prepare and leave tonight. Abbi my friend I need to ask that you take care of the Vladdette and Baby Vlad in my absence.” This was answered by a deep nod of the head from Abbi the Rabbi who was sitting reading his Big Book in the corner. “Right White Ted is everything ready to go?” I asked turning to my best friend. “Yes Vlad I have done everything you ask of me and I have also prepared some food for the journey.” White Ted always liked to go that extra mile especially for his mate ( ME :). Taking up the list I had prepared earlier I went through it muttering to myself as I did so. ( it always looks good if you mutter) When I reached the last page I looked up and started issuing orders. First I asked the two Sloves were they ready for the return journey, they were, had Sapphire and Jade Ted prepared the weapons, they had. Lastly I asked all the remaining creatures if they were up to the task of being extra visible around the house while we, the small task force were busy saving the Empress Valentina…..they were!!.............................

Well my friends I am afraid you will have to manage without me for a couple of days as I am off on a to another universe the other side of the Milky way. I know you will all miss me but take heart I shall return!!
Tonights photo is of me in the Winter Garden at the Grandmothers Castle in Transylvania with my poor father who The Grandmother had turned into a Donkey... she had said he was a silly ASS! I will continue The Empresses' tale on my return, farewell and be brave I shall return>>>>>>>>


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