Vlad salutes you

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Once again , my friends I have been extreemely generous with my time today! I had to do a spot of gardening for a relative, less able than myself...mind you most relatives of mine are less able!! I had to remove a humongous tree from their garden as it was taking up too much space!! I allowed two of my tame humans to aid me..(the male that I call the Dad and the female his wife , the feeble minded assistant!!)
Well I must say they were of assistance even though it pains me to admit it.
On the Plumbing front I still have been unable to locate the stop cocks or a decent plumbers mate maybe it is something to do with the weather.
Anyway enough of this you will be anxious to hear more of The Empress Valentina and Millaine the Villaine well last night we left The empress settling down for sleep after receiving a reassuring email from Tinker. So shall we pick up the story from there....................
Outside in the garden, unaware that help had been summoned, the hoards had reached the decking and to were leaping and hopping about happily awaiting instructions from their illustrious leader. Shifting about on his three pairs of blue clad feet Milaan was pondering upon his next move. He listened for awhile to the idle chattering and gossiping of his troops as an idea formulated in his head. Eventually he drew himself up to his full height and puffed his chest out as much as he was able, gave a sudden cough, causing some of the younger and more excitable minions at the outer edges of the mass to jump so much that they fell off the decking landing in the mud beneath with aloud plop!
“Hurrmph” Milaan said getting everyone’s attention. “Here is the plan for tonight. Battalions 5 & 6 you have not fed for three weeks so you may pop next door and feed on that scabby mutt living there. The rest of you sort your amour then get some rest we have a big day ahead of us. This may not be the biggest battle we have ever fought but it is an important one. We will be a laughing stock because this cat, the Empress has kept us at bay for so long. So remember that tomorrow I want everyone going in with the right attitude.” Here he paused for either breath or effect then he continued. “No quarter will be taken and none given I expect every flea to fight dirty. Use everything you learnt from the Flea master and use it well!!” As he ended he raised his shield high above his head a swung it around three times for effect.

Well there it is these hoards were fleas, cat fleas to be precise, obviously not fussy whether or not their victims were cats, dogs or even humans, but cat fleas never the less and down right Nasty ones at that! Suddenly Milaan grabbed the nearest foot soldier to him and screamed in his ear “What are we going to be tomorrow?” “’Orrible, ‘orrible, we is going to be ‘orrible!” replied the scruffy but bold flea. “What are we going to do tomorrow?” enquired Milaan. “Win sir win!” shouted the flea. “Right “shouted Milaan. “You have your orders …so get to it…NOW!!” With that he turned and headed off to his tent for a good nights rest blissfully unaware of who and what was heading his way!!.........................................
We shall have to leave things there again as I have many more important things to do NASSA have asked me to personally investigate the yearly Mars email Hoax which is doing the rounds again!! I also have to go and check that the polar caps are on straight and that idiot in charge of the Aurora Borealis has not forgotten to turn them on again............................. farewell until we meet again................... Oh! I nearly forgot tonights photo is of me visiting one of my many properties!!


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