Vlad salutes you

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Salutations once again my friends you must forgive my hasty exit last night . Young Nigel had returned from an evening out with the Tzar and White Ted ( nothing to do with Ted, he of the green and gold cape, which thankfully has not turned up yet!) as I was saying they had gone out and been imbibing at the local hostalry and Nigel , as always, had got carried away with the ginger wine.......... damn potent stuff. Well on their return we had heard them as they approached the house singing and dancing. Well the Vladdette is not very impressed by that sort of behaviour so I had to intervene before all hell broke out and the baby Vlad was awoken!! And when I saw that Nigel was about to crash into the door I just had to do something!!!
Well enough of that sad and sorry tale and back to what I promised last night I will discribe Millaine the Villaine for you! I will just set the scene for you imagine dusk falling and......Outside in the garden a huge black mass was moving slowly up the lawn towards the decking and the thankfully shut window. The mass was not solid nor was it liquid but it was fluid and sieving with energy and to be honest it was leaping up and down as it relentlessly moved ever closer to the bungalow. On closer inspection it was clear that it was not one thing but millions!!! And at the front of it was the strangest creature you could ever wish, not to meet. Though not big he, it was definitely a he, was bigger than the others. Covered in lightweight armoured plate from top to toe, though I should say ankle and will explain why shortly. The armour being black, shiny and completely waterproof was very flexible and so the thing had no problem in moving faster and jumping higher than all the rest. I mentioned his armour reached to his ankles well that is because on his feet, all six of them, he wore tiny dark blue slippers!
His entire ensemble was covered by a shield that was strapped across his back with a yellow sash............ Interuption, interuptions is there no peace I have to go again some idiot has not turned on the Aurora Borealis ( the Northern Lights) and so I shall have to pop up North and turn them on....................... Good night I will cotinue the story tomorrow!! Oh! before I forget the photos well .......................... THEY SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES DON'T THEY???


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