Vlad salutes you

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hello, The Aunt Frank has been to visit today and she has been complaining (as is her wont, sadly there is nothing I can do about that) What has she been complaining about I hear you ask. Well, you may ask and I will tell you ( 'cause I am thet type of Vampire) the print on my Blog.....Yes , she says she has difficulty in reading it and has to squint her eyes up to see what I am saying. Personally I thought that was her normal facial expression but the feeble minded, halfwhited assistant assures me it is not. Therefore you will have to bear ( such a lovely word next to Vampire) with me whilst I try out and settle on a text thet she can read. I wander if she can read this personally I think it is a tad too much and I prefere the previous one which we will run for in this blog, after all whos' blog is it anyway? Put your glasses on Aunt frank if you can't see this! Also , I supose we could make the print bold , maybe that is what is needed ..we shall see when this is posted up. I could of course change the colours but I feel that that would be pandering to her demands. Though red is rather nice and this brown is not bad either. But this gold is useless and puts me in mind of that Fart ted. No I have made a decision we are sticking to this original colour, but as a consession we will go for large text and bold print...So Aunt Frank I hope this meets with your approval! The photo is of me sitting on my mouse trying to sort this out the feeble minded assistant had stormed off in a stropp.


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