Vlad salutes you

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hello my dear little friends how are you all this evening? The Vladdette and I are back from our trip to Ursa Minor and what a time we had . Do you know what Ursa minor means?? I am sure you do, but just incase you don't it means the Little or Lesser Bear...what a wonderful name for a constalation. The shape of the group suggests a Little Dipper ( as opposed to the Big Dipper which is a larger constalion altogether) and so we had fun whooshing up and down between the stars. We started at Polaris and whipped down to Pherkad Minor visiting Kocab, Pherkad and Yildun what fun that was. It certainly blew the cobwebs away. On the way home we took a detour, via the rings of Saturn and we also stopped of at Iow for a bite to eat at the restaurant run by the caterers we used for the Party the other week!
OK time to continue with the story I hear you say...........................................................
As I said last night I had never seen my father react like this before, never had I even seen him look remotely concered! Yet when we mentioned Millaine the Villaine to him he actually paled! He reached for the bottle of vintage blood plasma that was sitting on the table and knocked back a glass and a half before he continued to speak. " Many moons ago Your mother and I crossed paths with Millaine, when we first met he seemed a very amicable chap.It was not until we had been in his company for a few days that he started to show his true colours!" Here Ivan stopped and drank another two glasses to steady his nerves! Glancing over his shoulder as if to see if anyone was there he took another swig and carried on. " He is a very clever chap , all smiles and pleasantries on the surface.... but full of black deeds and thoughts underneath!! He kept trying to get your mother and I to buy a time share out on one of the rings of Saturn!! Well he convinced us to go out there and take a look, we quite liked what we saw and after we had all downed about three vats of wine ...... we rather stupidly ..signed on the dotted line................................." At this point the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape came into the room! " Vladimir is that you my Boy?" Her chair scratching its' way accross the floor as it bore her ever closer to the table and us!! What a sight this was, an angry black caped figure sat in the wonderous chair ( that I described before) .There she sat all four inches of her, oozing
menace and splendour at the same time. From the tiny black ears that stuck out menacingly from her lace head dress to the silver buckles on her pointy shoes, that poked out of her voluminous black skirts!! " I hear from the Idiot Ivan that you are about to mess with that Villain Mellaine?" Looking at Ivan who was pouring her a glass of warm plasma and smiling lovingly at her she spat "Well you half whit what is going on how is it possible that Millaine has escaped from Vonshosters International Flea Circus?? I told you to ensure he was there for the rest of his unnatural!! " With those words the Grandmother raised her black ivory cane with the silver scull at its tip and shook it at Ivan ...who was suddenly slammed up against the icy cieling. The sudden uplifting movement caused him to spill the Grandmothers plasma..." Clumsey oaf " she snarled.......................................
I must leave you again as as usual I have people to do and places to see!!BUSY , BUSY.
The pictures tonight are of Ursa minor and the stars that Vladdette and I visited last night and an advert that Millaine the Villaine has put on the net to capture the unaware ..... so beware and take care untill I have time to speak to you again..........................



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