Vlad salutes you

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Hi there people what a day I have had of it!! I have spent all my time fighting the rain clouds off just so you could enjoy your Saturday. ... Have your picnics, sail your boats , get your washing dry or what ever it is that rings your bell at the weekend. Not only have I been busy with that but I have also had to supervise the father ( the human one) as he is busy playing plumber....You have no idea the truamas I have had to save him from !! Also I had to keep an eye on the Isle Wight as they have had a Life Boat Reggatta today and the weather was decidedly iffy and I am now completely exhausted. I am just about to have a rest in my coffin with a nice warm pint of blood and the lid down, as I have just noticed, that now I have stopped all that extreemely tiring weather management, and most of you have returned to your dewlings the Sun has reared it ugly head!!!!!!
Wait do not panic I have not forgotten my promise to continue the tale!!........................................ Let me think what was happening when I left off? Oh! yes I remember the Grandmother had lost her temper with Ivan ( not an unusual occurance ) and sent him flying splat against the ice cieling!........
We all watched in horror as the Ivan hung supended from the roof , "Please Grandmother, let him down" I implored, no sooner had I uttered the words I regretted them as with an evil smile on her face Grandmother waived her cane and Ivan came crashing down (at a rate of knots) and for the second time that day he hit the deck with a sickly and resounding thudd!!
"Well " she demanded of poor bruised Ivan "How is it that he has escaped from Vonhosters Circus and why was I not informed?" Picking himself up and clicking all his bones back into place Ivan turned to his mother-in -law and with a truely loving smile on his face he replied. " Honestly Grandmother this is the first I have heard of his escape! "at this point he rushed towards her paws outstretched to give her a hug. The look of horror on the Grandmothers face was enough to freeze the Indian Ocean.... she deftly drew her chair to left avoiding the advancing Ivan by inches. "Get back you creep do not come any nearer to me you, you ...................... Words escape me" she muttered.Ivan stopped in his tracks , at first we thought it was Grandmothers' words but on closer inspection we saw that his paws had been frozen to the spot where he stood! (Poor father he so loves Grandmother and she so hates him and the more afection he shows towards her the more she hates him!!!!!) and he will not be told............... "Enough I do not want to hear your excuses !"she bawled at Ivan who looking totally bewildered and bereft of any explanation tried to move back towards the table and his drink!! ( He failed miserably and once again crashed to the floor)
At this point I thought I had best intervene before my Father did himself anymore harm. "Grandmother really and truely Father new nothing of the escape , we have only just informed him of it today. To be honest with you , please forgive me for using that word (honest) I know how it irritates you.Time is of the essence as out friend the Empress Valentina is under siege by this Millaine the Villaine and we need to get there and help her. " I paused for breath , and gave the Grandmother my most earnest stare. At last I had the Grandmother with the Invisible Capes' attention. So grasping the moment I told her the sorry tale and asked her for her advice.
The doors at the far end of the Glassier opened gently and with rustling of a thousand winter blizzards my Mother Annuska entered. Grasping Ivans situation , before she saw any of us she sighed a deep sigh and gently asked her mother to release him.Then she glided accross the icy expance towards us leaving a trail of dead flowers in her wake! Helping Ivan up she asked me why White Ted and I were visiting. We told Annuska our problem and she suggested we all sit down and discuss things! I shall have to end there again as ,as I said before I am exhausted and must retire to my coffin....Talking of which I have enclosed a photo of said resting place and also one a very brave Valentina keeping watch for Millaine the Villaine and his hoards................


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