Vlad salutes you

Monday, August 14, 2006

WELL BLOW ME DOWN AND BEAT ME WITH A FEATHER!! Only yesterday I was saying how well I felt after taking to my coffin for a rest..( some might say The sleep of the dead) even after having to organise an entire weekend of plumbing and averting alsorts of disasters I was feeling quite good!! It did not last long, I say it did not last long!! firstly the mother ( the human one AKA the feeble minded assistant)wanted me to acompany her to work ......aparently her friend is away on holiday ( I shall have to look into this , are you mere mortals allow to just swan off??) and so she wanted company..................... all I can say is a great deal of my patience was used up by those customers.
Secondly and even more worringly I have been receiving whispers here and there about a long time aquaintence and pal ..Madge the gingham chicken ( her of the slightly loose legs and even looser standards) It has come to my notice that she is being worried and has tried to dispatch herself from this time continuium...unfortunately only I can achieve that and so she has , metaphorically been bashing her head against a brick wall. Sadly she has not seen fit, as yet to contact me direct and so today I have, as a great consession been in contact with her! Here is a copy of the email I have sent her......................................................
Dear Madge
It has been brought to my attention that you have been having problems the extent of which , I remain in the dark.!! I have heard whisperings that you have tried to shuffle off this mortal coil.... Madge , dear you are not mortal and so it is impossible for you to shuffle off that coil or any other for that matter!!!! Better you get intouch with me and spill the beans and I will see what can be done. No matter how large or small the problem I am sure I can fix it. I trust it has nothing to do with my old friend Raynaud the Red? I await your reply .
Your Good Friend Vlad the helpful xx
So far I have had no reply so I shall just have to wait and see what occurs next.
Now we must return to the tale of Valentina and Millaine the Villaine. If you remember my real mother Annuska had given White Ted and I the Sword of Invinsiblity and and the Shield of Greatness. Unfortunately WhiteTed had great difficulty in holding the Shield for more than a few minutes but Mother assured him that if his need was great he would be able to hold it as long as was needed. Ivan then returned having escaped from a huge spiders web that the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape had thrown at him to stop him following her. "Your Grandmother is such wonderful fun always ready with a joke I do love visiting here with her" Ivan said brushing off the silver strands of the web from his long black ( and if you are reading this Ted., VERY SMART ) cape. "Can you boys stay to dinner "he asked....Annuska gently patted him on the shoulder ( sending dust everywhere) and told him that we must be off as we had an appointment with Millaine the Villaine.
Reluctantly I said to White Ted that we should take our leave now as time was ticking away and the others would be waiting for us.
We left the Palace as a fresh coating of snow was silently covering the gardens and the surounding countryside and the moon was rising. It was no difficulty for me ( being of super human strength) to carry White Ted and Both the shield of Greatness and the Sword Of Invinsibility! Well it took hardly any time at all to cross Europe and land in Valentinas' garden on the Isle of Wight.
The first thing we noticed was how quite things seemed...I was imediately suspicious and was just about to take off again when I heard a " hiss hiss" coming from the farside of the hedge we had landed by! Quickly I told White Ted to sit on the near by garden seat while I investigated the noises. As I rounded the hedge I saw , to my relief the two Slove Bats and Saphire and Jade Ted beckoning me towards them and the large weapons chest!! "Where have you been Boss we have been waiting here hours!" said Jade Bear " Those Slove Bats have been itching to get stuck in. we have had a terrible job to stop them from rushing in" Well I told them that I was glad that they had managed to hold off showing themselves as that would of spoilt the suprise!
Well my dears I must end there again for this evening I have spoken to the Vladdette and she has told me that she thinks I should contact Madge again if she not already been in contact so I best away and check the email!!............................ Tonights photos are the spot where White Ted and I landed and the other is of me having a rest , you have no idea how heavy all this responsiblity lays upon me.................. Whats that Vladdette my dear, what, that half whit has not turned on the Auroa Borealis again ... he only has that to do...ALRIGHT ALRIGHT I am going ..sorry friends Things to sort must be off...............................................................


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