Vlad salutes you

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Well I really hope that now we have got this print and text matter sorted and that all can read this blog!! I have put a lot of effort into this and hope that it meets with the Aunt Franks' approval. News Flash ........... Though the main reason for the visit from the Aunt was to inspect the Superior Water Closet ( with which she was well pleased , though she was a tad disrespectful of my choice of taps...personally I put that down to the green eyed devil......... she is jealous of my impecable taste!) She also bought with her a new house mate , all the way from China, the chap is a mouse and rather gawdily dressed and answers to the name of Micky. I must admit I have no qualms about taking in another waif and stray...bring them on I say there is always room for one more. Though the Vladdette is a little worried as to how the two Slove Bats will react , being as they work at the Embassy and can be quite picky about visas ( But my point is they work at the Slovienian Embassy not the British one so what business is it of theirs).... any trouble from them and I shall call in the local imigration officers!!!!! Anyway this chap has arrived and I have introduced him to all and sundry it is now up to him to fit in.
What of Valentina I hear you cry .... what indeed.
White Ted and I had arrived and made contact with The two Slove Bats and Shaphire and Jade Bear, who arrived before us with the weapons chest and and settled behind a hedge and carried out reconasince on Millaine and his evil crew. After Saphire Ted had bought us up to speed and Jade Bear had had told us exactly how many we were encountering..........................189000000 in all. I tell you it took, even my breath away!! the two Slove Bats were all for wading in ( sense and numbers have never been their forte) fortunately for us all I managed to detere them and sugested that we make our way up to the bungelow as quickly and quietly as inhumanly possible!!
I say quietly ...thats a bl##dy joke the two Sloves and two Gem bears carrying a huge weapons chest .....well none of that should even be in the same sentence. Never the less we did manage to gain entry to the Bungelow without MILLAINE OR HIS SENTRIES ( OR EVEN VALENTINAS' HUMANS) spotting us!! A minor miricale in itself!
Once inside we quickly found Valentinsa in the conseratory watching the black mass moving up the lawn ( the same one we had just skirted under my cape of invisiblity) To say she was pleased to see us was an understatment . The look of relief on her face was a picture! After I had introdued everyone and covered the weapons chest with invisiblity dust o so the humans would not see it White Ted got out the food and drink he had bought and we all settled down to make our Plan of Attack!!...........................
Again we will have to leave the story there as I have to put Baby Vlad to bed tonight as the Vladdette is going LINE DANCING............ waste of time if you ask me why dance lines I thought they were for washing or writing on or standing in . Well there is no telling her she is off and so I had best bath the baby and put him in the coffin!.....AH! White Ted, Nigel , MR Gee any chance of a hand...................... typical they are all off out line dancing too! Best put the babe to coffin........................
Have enclosed Photo of Micheal Mouse.


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