Vlad salutes you

Friday, August 18, 2006

Not a good day today, spent the night rain dancing so I hope you are all satisfied with my efforts. If you read last nights blog you will remember that I watched a favorite movie and Nigel had prepared some pop corn ( unfortunately making rather a mess of the micro wave oven in the process) sadly the mother, AKA the feeble minded assistant discovered the micro wave mayhem and insisted that Nigel and I clean it up ....well my paws are not designed for that sort of work , as I explained to her. She was having none of this and insisted we clean it up before she when to work this morning. That was bad enough but he day did not improve Vladdette wanted all the furniture in the coffin moved and cleaned underneath. After an hour or so of that I resorted to inventing a reason to get away to the Winter palace for some peace and quiet and would you believe it, when I got there the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape was making a tour of inspection and she wanted me to clean too!!!! WHAT DO WE HAVE SERVANTS FOR?? she like the Vladdette and the mother was brooking no excuses so I had to join in with the servants and clean!
I am not a happy Vampire Bear. Now if that was not enough I checked the Blog on my return and that Fart Ted has left a threatening message. He says that not only has the cape, he and the Leprahauns made , arrived but that I am wearing it, and only the mother (human one) and I cannot see it . Aparently she and I see my lovely purple and Black cape and everyone else sees the new Green and Gold gawdy common cape!! This is a ludicrus situation and it is not doing my nerves any good.I am not happy that this chap thinks he can make insinuations about my wardrobe!!!
Sorry I can no longer talk on that subject it pains me too much!!
Well I did promise that I would tell more of the tale of Valentina and Millaine and I am nothing if not a Vampire of my word.So as I was saying this huge crow flew down and presented me with a note from Millaine saying he wanted a parle' Well we were rather taken aback by this request but after some consideration I decided it could do no harm and a little mediation was not a bad thing. So it was that ten minutes later we were all assembled it the inner garden by the fish pond. Millaine and three of his generals ( a motely crew if ever I saw one) and two of his flying core , two over dressed , over fed and obviously over paid gnats!! We on the other hand were resplendant in our CAPES ( are you reading this Ted) and holding our shiny weapon aloft! After a good bit of argi bargi and harsh words said on both sides it was agreed we could not agree. Millaine and his chiefs scuttled off to rejoin their troops White Ted and I turned on our heels and marched back to the others and prepared for battles commencement.
At first there was a deathly hush around us , all that could be heard was the plup, plup of the boiling oil bubbling in the cauldrons. Then the, grey early dawn sky went black as millions of gnat fighters flew over head dropping garlic bombs on us.....But White Ted was ready for them with amazing strength ( that came from who knows where) He raised the Shield of greatness above his head and as he did it trebbled then quadrupled in size providing us all with shelter from the downpouring bombs from above.Deftly darting in and out from the protection of the shield the two Brave Slove Bats shot their arrows true and swiftly taking out many of the black and and noisy flyers! ( I know I have refered to them as hot headed and rash in the past but on that morning the only word for them was MAGNIFICENT ) After several flights from the gnats , and after they had taken heavy casualties, their bodies strewn accross the lawn there was an ear piercing shriek of an out of tune horn. Then silence! After a few minutes ( that seemed like hours) all we could hear was the sound of swords banging on the backs of metal shields. Slowly and rythmicly the sound advanced towards us. As it drew closer the ground we stood on began to vibrate .Finally as the noise got higher and higher in pitch , then we saw them. Coming at us through the dawn fog. The million strong hoards of Millaine were closing in on us and at the front with his shiny black armour polished to a high sheen and his blue slippers moving as one, his shield tied to his back by the bright yellow sash ( Yellow Ted such a comom colour) was the Villaine himself!
Sorry I will have to leave it there again as I have to take pick Ivan up from up north I asked him to check on thr poles but instead of checking the magnetic poles he stopped off in Poland and got enebriated on potato vodka made by some locals he met and now is incapable of flying back!! The scrapes my father gets into are nobodies business!!
Tonight I have enclosed photos of White Ted and I with the Shield of Greatness and the sword of Invinciblity................................ Ok DAD I am coming.........................


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