Vlad salutes you

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

As you will all realize by now I am not a moaner or a grumbler but it is getting increasingly more and more difficult to sign in to my blog!! It all started, after the week minded assistant had changed her email address and registered this fact with Blogger. Then the troubles began, it kept asking her to sign up for the new Beta Blog which at first she resisted . She could not get on to the site at all and kept returning to the sign in page!! ( and not by choice) So then she tried to sign up for this new Beta blog, only to told that only a few chosen bloggers could sign up for now and she should try again......... later??? Well she found that that was a way back to her blog........ then that would not work so she visited a blogger forum and found a link which she book marked which worked for a while, now even that is playing up!! This is an inconvienience that I do not need!!!!!!!!! So if you Blogger employees are reading this please help me and all the other harrased and wordy bloggers....we need easy access to our bloggs!!
I honestly find all this distressing and so I am not saying anymore, on the subject for the moment ....................... for once I agree this is not the fault of the week minded , lilley livered limp wristed assistant?
With no further ado we will now return to the tale of Valentina and Millaine the Villaine. The Flea hoards had been routed, the air core of gnats had been iradicated and Millaine had been shamed into facing up to me!! I was in the process of challenging him to a duel when out of the skies, to the acompaniment of clashing thunder, arrived a very cross and bad tempered looking Grandmother with the Invisible Cape.
If you remember I said that the entire assembled troops ( friend and foe)where stunned into silence by this dramatic arrival . The Grandmother touched down on the lawn with a gentle THUD!! closely followed seconds later by her throne.After she had silenced the ever rambling Ivan who was babbling with excitment at his favorite creatures' arrival!!
Millaine on the other hand was obviously not pleased to see the grandmother, infact he looked totally horrifed!!Lets face it the last time they had met she had, had him hauled over the coals ( and I am talking litterally) and had him taken into longterm custody by the famous Flea master Dr Vonshooster to star in his cirus.If you recall he( Millaine) had tried to con my mother and father out of money for what turn out to be a shed on one of the outer rings of Saturn.He had turn extreemely ugly when they had refused to pay for the hovel and had tried to kidnap Annuska!
The grandmother brushed her long, voluminous skirts and straightened her viel. Then turning and clapping her hand she sommond her throne which scuttled up to her and in which she sat down with a bump!She cleared her throat and shrieked " Bring that quivering jelly closer will you so I can see him properly!! Six of the bats flew down from the branches were they had been hanging and escorted Millaine to the Grandmother.................................................
I have to go now as there are many, many jobs I have to do this evening and the week minded assistant is chundering on about the jobs she has to do...... All of them totally irrelevant and inignificent she is a total waste of space sometimes but I do have a soft spot for her because she loves me..Well I must away as I have important things to do. Tonights photo is of me editing my Blog Site (touching!?? )......


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