Vlad salutes you

Friday, August 25, 2006

Today , my friends has been extreemely hectic and at times a tad stressful!! I was summonds in the early hours by my Father Ivan ( the totally impossible) If you remember I was telling you the other day how he has become friendly with this chap Colin and has been going out with him in his Trawler? Well late last night Ivan fancied a spot of fishing. Not wishing to disturb Colin who was fast asleep, or my mother Annuska who was doing a tapistry in the long black sewing room at the top of the castle. He had taken the trawler out on his own, without any permission or anybody's knowledge. Well Ivan has a lousey sense of direction at the best of times but he is optimistic to say the least. So by the light of the moon he sets off towards the horizon, with no navigation lights or crew , no knowledge of how to use the radio.......... well as you can imagine it did not take long for him to run into trouble. A fact , as is his wont , he was totally oblivious of. Ivan can never see any danger or problems!! To cut a long story short he managed to attract the attention of the costguard who assumed that the irratic actions of the trawler ment it had been stolen as was being used for some illicit perpose..( which technically it had , Ivan had taken it without permission and was illictly trying to fish!!)
The coastgurd gave chase, Ivan thought .."this is fun ".. and speeded up as did the coastguard who eventually overtook and stopped him. Well I say the coastguard stopped him...really it was the rocks he hit that stopped him!! Ivan was arrested and the trawler had to be towed back to port where a very annoyed Colin was waiting !! Ivan was completely unphased by all this and was genuinely suprised that Colin was upset and that the coastguard were going to lock him up!! Well Colin was furious and the coastguard locked Ivan up , luckily he was allowed one phone call so he called my mobile.
I had to dash off down to the coast and smooth things over with Colin, arranged to have the trawler fixed and RE FITTED , that was the only way I could placate Colin. Well I will have to dip into the family coffers. After I had sorted Colin and convinced him to drop the charges I had to assure the coastguard that I would remove Ivan and keep him away from the harbour.Eventually all this achieved I had to impress on Ivan that it was not a good idea to ask Colin out for a drink at the local....... Ivan just could not understand why Colin might be a little angry with him??
I am afraid you will have to wait untill tomorrow to find out how the Valentina and Millaine tale ends...Personally I am up for continuing but the week minded assiatant is complaining that she is tired and has had a hard day at work! And so we will have to leave things as they are. I give you my word that all will be revealed tomorrow................ Tonights photos are of me counting some of the money I had to give to Colin...it pained my dearly...the other much happier subject is my beautiful wife |Vladdette modeling another odf her new purchases from the recent shopping trip!! ........................ Untill we meet again farewell....................................


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