Vlad salutes you

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My feet are very sore I have been rain dancing again.I am doing my best as you have all been saying how much you need the rain but as soon as I produce it you all start moaning!!!!! What is an Imortal to do??Again I have been busy looking after the feeble minded assistants friend the new boss was it in the afternoon so I spent the morning having fun with the tannoy system in her reception. I also shared her Hoola hoops and I had a chocolate Twirl!
If you rember I told you I spent the other day on a fishing trip with Ivan ( my father) well he enjoyed himself so much that he has been out with a chap who owns a North Sea trawler, called Colin ( the captain , not the boat , thats' called Artic Storm) Ivan has commisioned three Fair Isle sweaters and a captains hat and pipe.......... say what you like about Ivan he never does anthing by halfs ...................... No, over the top I would say.
Annuska, Vladdette and baby Vlad are back from their New York shopping trip and Vladdette has bought the baby some handsom new shoes and three beautiful capes for herself.... ( No help or hinderence from that Fart Ted in New York I am pleased to report)
We will now return to the tale of Valentina and Millaine the Villaine.When we last left the scene White Ted had been wounded and we were being pinned down by an air attack. You will remember that we were making headway againts the gnats but White Teds condition was worsening so it was up to me to take drastic measures. I stepped out from under the Shield of Greatness covering myself with my cape of Invisiblity and took off into the smokey gnat filled , dawn sky and headed upwards! Soon I through the clouds and the atmosphere and out into space. It gets really cold up there but for once I was too worried to enjoy the feeling. Once I felt that I reached the required height I called out .................. " Mother .......... Father " then I turned and started my descent. Knowing I had done all I could. I had to wait and hope I had been heard!
As I touched down and dived back under the shelter of the Shield of Greatness I could see we were still in trouble as the two Sloves were hard put to keep the now, steaming hoards at bay.Ever closer they were advancing and we were running out of amunition and options!! The noise was deafening and the sky dark and even I was finding it hard to breath with all the smoke from charred bodies. Even though I cannot be killed I was not happy at the prospect that I might for the first time in Millenia be looking defeat in the eye. Well things were looking as black as the Grandmother with the Invisible Capes' eyes and to be honest I was at a loss as to what to do when......................
HOLD ON VLADETTE..... ............ sorry the other half is calling , My lovely I am telling my friends about................ ER Sorry I will have to go but rest assured I will be back soon to finish the tale! Tonights photos are one of Vladette, she was keen to show you one of her new purchases from her shopping trip to New York. The other is of me Rain Dancing by the computer............ I must away places to see people to do............. Ok Vladdette I am coming ...................................


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