Vlad salutes you

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Hi there everyone , yesterday I promised to tell what happened next in the tale of Valentina versus Millaine the Villaine. Being a vampire bear of my word I shall get right into the story....Yes I know it is a departure from the norm and you all love to hear what I have been up to so much, but the feeble minded assistant is busy fiddling with her new webcam so, we shall get right into the tale.
OK things were looking bad, really bad . The sky was full of gnats , the lawn was covered with dead bodies we were running out of amunitions, White Ted was badly wounded and I had run out of ideas. I had done all I could I had been up into space and called mother and father for assistance! As I said all was looking black when there was a clapp of thunder and from out of the skies came an army of Vampire bats!! Leading them brandishing gleaming swords and shields was Ivan and Annuska. Each was wearing black armour polished and gleaming like glass, they were riding on the back to two bats, no normal bats these, huge silver creatures
with massive wing spans which darkend the garden as they swooped accross.
Ivan stopped his bat above the centre hedge where he could see Millaine cowering and there he hovered waving his sword aloft with one paw and shouting "Come out you snivelling coward Millaine and face me like the Flea you are" Meanwhile Annuska on her silvern bat had produce a leathal gnat spray and she was wiping what was left of Millaines air core as fast as the eye could watch!! It was like standing in black heavy rain but boy it felt good and I rejoiced in it. My Mother was a wonderful sight in full flight , her beautiful face bent on destruction of the flying pests, her blood red robes flying out behind her , where they had escaped her black armour.Edged with gold they made her look magnificent and terrifing at the same time. As she finished off the last few hundred gnats with a swat she had had strapped to her back she spotted us under the shield...cheering her on. She finished off the last of the air core and then joined us.Taking one look at White Ted she sighed and told us she had only just reached us in time as she could see White Ted was slipping away.Gently she lifted his head and poured some violet mixture out of a green amphlet ( wonderful as she is mother was never one for colour co-ordination in her apothecary)
From one of her long flowing sleeves she drew out a purple/red mesh in which she wrapped White Ted ............. " He must stay in here untill he begins to awake " she said gently putting him into one of her pockets ( after emptying it of dead petals)
Meanwhile there was a deadly hush outside Millaines air core had been defeated and lay across the lawn as far as the eye could see. All the bats has taken up positions ( hanging upsidedown in the nearby trees) and Annuskas' magnificent beast was standing to one side of her awaiting instructions.The only thing breaking the deathly
hush was Ivans voice baiting Millaine.
The noise of the hoards banging on their shields had stopped and the stamping of their feet had ceased also! They stood ( the hoards ) just inches from us meserised by the thousands of bats in the trees ( blood thirsty bats, and they the hoards not long fed were full of blood) Annuska waived a clawed paw and a few bats flew down and devoured several battalions of the hoard!
Then with a swish of her cape, throwing dead flowers everywhere she sent the bats back to the trees. She flew up on to her silvern bats' back and was off calling to me as she left. ........ "When you finish here collect some Giant Sunflowers on your way back to the castle I shall be needing them. And she was gone taking White Ted with her. I cannot describe the lonely feeling that hit me in the chest as she disappeared from view with my best pal ( it is strange but true I had only known that bear for the blink of an eye , several of your years, but to me an imoratal, he had come to mean more than some whom I had known for Millenia!!).........................................
Well it looks like the feeble minded assistant has stopped her fiddling with her webcam. OH! only for now, she informs me! Well she is tired now and wants me to turn the computer off.................. I ask you has she no stamina??? As it happens I have to go up north again that twit has not turned on the Aurora Borealis I have to do it all!! ...... Before I forget tonights photos are of White Ted wrapped and recovering in Annuskas' shroud and the other is of me collecting Giant sunflowers for his recovery. The story will continue. ....................................... Hail and farewell till we meet again..................


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