Vlad salutes you

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Well here we are again and please note that I have left my coffin early today! I spent most of last night up north sorting out the Aurora Borealis , you will notice that I have had to make that trip more than once of late ........................ Well I have had harsh words with the chap whose job it is to 'caretake' them , I have threatened him with the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape. I think perhaps things will run smoothly for a while.
Talking of threats I have had no nasty, menacing messages from that Fart TED of late. Infact I am quite concered that he may be a poor unsuspecting pawn who has fallen foul of those unscrupulous Leprahauns. It is a well known fact that they (Leprahauns) play on week minded souls and easily bewitch them. Unfortunately this sad deluded Ted obviously thinks,and truely believes, he has commisioned and sent me a new cape , the colours of which we will not go into. Ted if you are reading this you need help...I am willing to give you the name of a brilliant councellor friend of mine , a german chappie.
Well I have to say the sun is doing its worst today and no doubt you will all be out there picnicing, going to the beach or in reality cramming into your cars to sit in traffic jams ( why do you all do that)...... it is truly beyond me?
Back to the Tale of Millaine and the Empress. I stood heavy hearted under the Shield of Greatness and watched my mother disappear into the distance carrying precious cargo ,White Ted. All around me the battle , though at a momentry stand off , continued and I could hear the two Sloves and the gem Teds discussing which of the weapons Annuska had left us should be used first. Suddenly a gentle and wet nose nudged my paw.It was the Empress Valentina, she had left the safety of the bungelow and had come out to comfort me. "My dear Vlad " she said puting her paw on my shoulder."I am so grateful that you and your band of warriors have come and defended me and I am truely saddened that your dear friend White Ted has been wounded." She hung her head and looked away.As I turned to answer her , I saw huge tears rolling down her face. " Take heart dear lady " I told her. " We are about to win this battle indeed the war!! " I finished on a flourish but with each word I could feel my strength and courage return.I now tried to persuade Valentina to return to the bungelow but she was having none of this and so we found her some armour and kitted her out.
Meanwhile Millaine was holed in the centre hedge and had recalled all that was left of his troops ( there were not that many left by then. All that could move had rushed back to the shelter of the hedge at the sight of the bats devouring their comrades!!) Millaine was worried now , he was now the one vastly out numbered . There were only three battlalions of his foot hoards left standing ( and they were the motely crew that always hung back in any battle) his entire air core had been wiped out and the rest of his allies and generals had deserted him..................... Basically he was alone, and he was not happy. Then above all else there was that blooming idiot Ivan hovering above him , waving his sword around and shouting abuse at him and worst of all that silver bat he was flying on had crapped on him for the third time in the last fifteen mimutes!!!!! The tide had turned on Millaine and he felt he was about to drown. Then as the sun finally broke through the clouds and the smoke revealing the carnage on the lawn and
made all the wings of the bats hanging in the nearby trees glint like silver. There advancing up the lawn was a ( to Millaine ) a horrendous sight.....( to you and I it would of appeared magnificent) Steadily and gracefully like a tiger , came Valentina resplendant in shiny black armour. On her back rode Vlad holding aloft the Sword of Invincibility in one paw and the Shield of Greatness in the other. As this posession came into view a great cheer went up through the ranks of bats hanging in the trees and then they were joined by Ivan shouting out "COME ON MY SON SHOW THAT MILLAINE WHAT YOUR MADE OF"...................................... Millaine took a deep breath and stepped forward.
I am sorry we will have to stop there as I really must take to my coffin the rigours of last night and the stress of recalling that battle has taken its toll on me and I must rest. Oh yes before I forget Vladdette has prevailed on me to show you another of her purchases ( personally I can't imagine that you would be interested in her new frocks ...but she insists you would) anyway the photo is quite interesting as I am in it too. The other photo is of Ted recouperating at the castle in Transylvainia under Annuskas' care................... I must get some rest now.!!! I will be back to finish the tale soon. Fear not I will be back!......................................................................


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