Vlad salutes you

Friday, September 01, 2006

Salutations mere mortal friends and how are you all today. Yesterday as I said was most hectic sorting my father and Tommikins ( the Grandmothers' cat) out. Unfortunately I did not have enough time to continue the Valentina verus Millaine the Villaine story!! So to allay any further disappointment I shall go straight in the saga....................................
You could hear a pin drop , more to the point you could hear all six of Millaines legs knocking together. He was standing in front of the Grandmother with the Invisible Capes' throne , looking most dejected. The Grandmother, not known for patience or her forgiving nature, was tapping her cane on the side of her chair and the feet and claws on the end of the legs of her throne were tapping and scratching too!!
After a few minutes, and the sound of knocking, scratching
, clawing and tapping had all become deafening!! The Grandmother cleared her throat and announced to the assembled onlookers that she was tired of waiting for an explanation , she was getting board and that if Millaine did not speak up in the next thirty seconds he would be......
Shot with a silver bullet, have his head chopped off and for good measure be pinned to the gates of the Transylvanian castle by a wooden stake! This did the trick, not only were the entire assembly struck by the horror of the punishment but it certainly loosened Millaines' tongue.
At first all that could be heard was a mumbling then he gained some of his lost self respect and started to tell the Grandmother why he was trying to invade the home of the Empress Valentina. First he told how he made extensive use of the Vanshooster Circus gym, and built up his strength. He had then bided his time untill the moment was right and he was here on the Isle of Wight . After one of the performances he over came his guard and made his escape and by the time the guard was found he was miles away and in hiding. He had waited untill Vonshooster had given up the search for him and left the island ( having professional commitments to honor).
Millaine had then set about recruiting and training an army of fleas!! After a a few months he had what he cosidered to be an elite fighting force! He then announced his evil plan to invade and infest every cat on the island......... Unfortunately for him he had set the Empress as his first target. It transpired that he had no idea that she had any connection to me and my family. Perhaps had he started at the other end of the island it would of been far harder a task...as it was we were nipping it in the bud.
"Well sunshine" cackled the Grandmother " you certainly picked on the wrong Pussy here!" Millaine shuffled his feet and nodded agreement. The Grandmother then , to the accompaniment of more thunder, stood up and marched up to Millaine and hit him with her cane. Then turning to the six bats flanking him she ordered them to take him at once to the dungeons at the Transylvanian castle and keep him there untill she had decided what to do with him! Then turning on her heels ( all six inches of them and sharp like knives) she returned to her throne sat back down and then ....she was gone...............................................................................................
Well friends I have to go and check on the Aunt Franks' Spainish property ( she has the ear of the Granmother and they are very friendly so when she asks for my assistance it is best , for a quiet life , to assist her!!)So I will will have to leave off the telling of the saga again!! So untill tomorrow I must bid you all farwell!! Tonights photo is of Vladdette, baby Vlad and myself visiting White Ted whilst he was recovering from his wounds from the battle ..............................................................


Blogger Angel Feathers Tickle Me said...

Love to all.........

8:24 pm  

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