Vlad salutes you

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Good afternoon folks , again I have risen early from my coffin and all for your convienience! Last night was most hairaising, if you recall I had to dash off suddenly to find Ivan who gone out with the Grandmother with the Invisible Capes' cat ( Tommikins ) and was late returning with him!! We had to disguise this fact from the Grandmother as she would of completely left her trolly ! Not having any faith or respect for Ivan for a starter she would not forgive him if a hair on Tommikins back had been ruffled.
The fact that Tommikins is a real rougue (loveable but extreemely naughty all the same) is the one thing the Grandmother will not acknowledge. No handsome charming Tommikins can do no wrong............. So the fact that it was his idea to visit the dark side of the moon and my dear niave dad only went along to make sure the cat was safe would not wash one pair of socks with the Grandmother!! No not at all so we did not tell her. My mother ( the real one Annuska ) sent me a message by carrier bat asking me to go and retrieve them both. I never refuse my mother anthing so at great inconvienience to myself I set off to find them. Thankfully it was not a difficult task for as I approached the dark side of the moon I heard the two of them, the noise was incredable!! They were busy playing skittles and as usual arguing about it , they had rigged up an old stereo system they had found badness knows where and had Pink Floyd belting out on a loop!! I had to stop by at NASSA on the way home to explain that all the interference to their equiptment had been caused by those two.
After dropping the two of them off at the Castle in Transylvania I returned home and had a short rest as I had to be up early this morning to once again help the mothers' ( Aka the feeble minded assistant ) friend who is still settling her new boss in and still thankfully unaware that I had caused all that trouble at the office yesterday whilst she was out!!
I told you that she has substituted celery and cream cheese for chocolate ....a henious crime in my book, and anyone elses who has a modicum of taste I should think? Well today she has compounded that crime, I can hardly bring myself to tell you this, she added Marmite to the cheese spread URGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! absolutely horrendous. I had to nip out at lunchtime and get myself a plate of chips and lobster from the fast food joint next to her office. Yumie that was good smothered in tomato sauce!! She can stick that cheese and celery I do not care how good it is for me!! I have posted a photo of my excellent lunch oh it was delicious........................
I may be back later this evening with another post in which we will continue the Valentina verus Millaine the Villaine saga .................... If not you will have to wait untill tomorrow Must fly ( and I do mean fly because I can :)


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