Vlad salutes you

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I have been busy today helping the mothers' friend, when I say mother I mean the feeble minded assistant. We did have some hoola hoops but I am misssing chocolate ( she has substituted celery and cheese spread..UCK not only does it stink it tastes awful!!) I think I will have to resort to taking my own chocolate.I shall of course be hiding it from her I do not want to share it with her ............... well she is trying to be healthy!! Guess what happened today while she ( the friend was out this morning) I found myself at a loose end and so I ambled down to reception and had some fun with the security and tannoy systems!!! Well the temptation was too great I first disguised my voice and then I put out a few messages. The best one was that the snack van had arrived and all food was half price! You should of seen them the were up and running like ants around mobile snack van!! I had such fun watching them all fighting about who was having what and the driver was so confused ..not had so much fun since the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape stuck Ivans feet to a railway had an express train run him over. I need to explain no one was hurt during this Ivan is an imortal and cannot be killed and the train was very thick skinned!!
As I said that was good fun, then I noticed a big red button ( red as you know is my favorite colour and so I just had to press it.................. Well you can't imagine how much mayhem that , that caused....... all these bells started going off then then the sprinkler system burst into action............. Oh! what fun all the computers and important paper work got soaked (I was , I must admit a little sorry that the huge flat screen television in the kitchen got soaked and blew up ) but not for long because it was so much fun seeing everyone being marshalled out of the building and then the big RED fire engine arrived , OH! such joy!!
You should of seen the look on the mothers' friends' face when she arrived at work ...I quickly pretended to sleep on the window sill............... I deffinately got away with it, she did not suspect a thing and I helped her clear the office up so I am still in her good books!! I spent the rest of the day painting a picture for her to make sure she suspected nothing!!
Time now to tell you what happened next in the Valentina Versus Millaine Saga!!
If you recall the Grandmother with the Invisible cape had seated herself in her throne, after her dramatic entrance. After she had threatened to do something nasty to Ivan who was so pleased to see he was actually bobing up and down on the giant silver bat that had born him to the Battle! She had ordered six of the bats assembled to bring Millain the Villaine to her.
Millaine by now , bedraggled, muddied and dirty , a sad and sorry shadow of his former self stood before the Grandmothers' throne shaking like a leaf all twelve of his legs knocking together making quite a racket. There was an uncanny hush all around the garden , the local birds had settled in the trees with the bats to see what was happening , even the snails and slugs had stopped in their munching to see what would occur next. Also couple of red squirrels and a fox had stopped to watch proceedings.
Noticing that she had a captivated audience the Grandmother cleared her throat, then pausing fo maximum effect started to polish the silver scull on the end of her black wooden cane ........ all the while the tap tap scratch scratch of the claws on the end of the long boney hands and feet of her throne could be heard. When she felt the moment was right she demanded of Millaine an explanation............ there was none forth comming. He just stood there shifting from one set of legs to another and looking extreemely sheepish!! "Well" demanded the Grandmother "You must have something to say for yourself you had enough to say last time we met".....................
Again I will have to leave matters hanging I have had another urgent call this time from Annuska my mother she needs me to go and find Ivan and Tommikins ( the Grandmother with the Invisible Capes' cat) a very hadsom black chappie much beloved ( infact one of the few things she cares about) . Apparently he was last seen cicling the dark side of the moon with Ivan , unfortunately , for Ivan they had not returned when the Grandmother had asked for Tommikins to brought to her and now she was getting very figgety!!
I have enclosed the painting I did to allay the mothers friends suspicions this afternoon...quite brilliant I hear you say....thank you.The other photo is of me and Tommikins taken the last time I was at the Transylvanian castle. I had best get off and find those two reprobates before more trouble ensues................................................
Farwell untill we meet again......................................................................................


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