Vlad salutes you

Monday, September 04, 2006

What sort of day have you little friends of mine had. I have been so very busy today! I spent the morning visiting the Mothers friend...who was late into work and we missed the baggette lady.That was unforgivable and so I threw a wobbler and stormed off home. I tell you I was so upset that I locked myself away in my coffin. I had not long gone off to sleep and was enjoying a wonderful nightmare about ( oops I digress) as I was saying I had not been asleep long when I was interupted by a loud banging on my coffin lid. It was Mavis the Magpie , she had recieved an urgent message from her second cousin Randolph the Raven who works at the Tower of London ( I love that place such homely names eg..The Bloody Tower , that give me a warm safe feeling ...the White Tower again makes me feel safe and Traitors' Gate ) and Ravens ( I also love ravens such lovely black feathers and so large) who have the job of keeping The Tower standing!! A very important job and not to be taken lightly.......... Again I digress, I must apologise but the mind is wondering hither and dither this evening!
Why you ask was Mavis banging on the lid of my coffin , what sort of message had she recieved from Randolph??? Well it appears he needed to see me as a matter of the utmost urgencey . Well knowing Randolph of old I realized that he would not be getting intouch with me to check the times of television programmes ( like some of the human mothers family, who shall remain nameless!) So I got up and while Vladdette made me something red and hot to drink I listen to what Mavis had to say.
Apparently Randolph and his team of crack ravens were having trouble with some of the ghosts ( of which there are a plenty at the The TOWER, another reason why I love the place). Mavis apologised for the fact that she did not have too many details only that Randolph seemed at the end of his tether and very tired!!
Cutting a long story short ( or to axe the facts ... reference to axe men and beheadings at the tower, or mostly just outside the tower) I finished my drink and set off for the capital. Being a vampire and supersonic this only took me three minutes .
As I arrived and flew in under the the arched gate of the castle I activated my cape of invisibility to proctect me from the eyes of the Beefeaters and the many tourists. Lets face it it would cause widespread panic if any of them had set eyes on me .
I landed on the cobbled path and headed for the green where I knew I would find Randolph ( Randolph being his real name .. ...... Cedric being the name he is known by , by the Yeoman Raven Keeper ). Sure enough there he was in the middle of Tower Green with his six co Tower protectors. There have always been Ravens living at the Tower ever since , well no one really remembers but my old friend Charles 11 was going to have them removed as they were interfering with his astronomers work . Well this caused such a stir bringing to light the fact that if the Ravens left the tower the kingdom would fall!!! Needless to say Charles reconsidered but to appease his astronomer he restricted the number to six and one spare making seven.................. ..............................
As usual I have to dash off now Vladdette wants me to take baby Vlad to park to play in the moonlight........... I don't think so I am not in the mood tonight I think the boy would be better enployed having a tour of the London Dungeons..Either way I had best take the boy out before Vladdette get ratty......... not a pretty sight!!
Tonight photos are of me sleeping before Mavis awoke me and the other is just me!!!!! ....... By the way Ted if you are reading this I want no smart remaks about my new night shirt!!!!!
Well untill we meet again , and I will tell you more of my trip to the Tower, I bid you all good night and sweet dreams................................................................................


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