Vlad salutes you

Monday, October 02, 2006

Good evening to all my friends, new and old Imust apologise for my tardiness of late but I have been busy. This is the time of year that the fairies call upon me for help in gathering up the summer sprites and releasing the Autumn ones!!
I know I have been promising to finish the story of my friends, the ravens at the Tower of London...and I will just as soon as I am free to spend more time with you.
Also coming up will be how I sorted out poor Madges' problems with Raynaud the Fox!!
Yes all will be revealed ASAP!! For now you will have to put up with these few words from me and a picture of me with Arabella ...we have an Autumn sprite in its' cage just prior to this years release.
Be assured I have not forgotten any of you and will be back in harness ( writing for you)very soon. Till I have more time I SALUTE YOU!!!!!


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