Vlad salutes you

Monday, September 25, 2006

Hello Mon Amigos.................. I am returned from Portugal and am much refreshed and ready to carry on the business of being a busy Vampire Bear!! It was not all sun sea and sand......I had fishermen to help, boats to beach and launch, fish to catch, food and drink to test for the weak minded assistant and the father, town and villages not to mention cities to to see ( my adoring public demand it of me!!) Apart from all that I had to mediate between the Tzar and Nigel ( who from now on wants to be known as Nycol) what a pair of drunken bums they were!!
Apart from all that I had to visit and help the mothers friend ( she with rotten job and the view of the trains!) and the mothers other friend Netty.All this whilst trying to relax on the sun lounger!
Now when I left you all 15 days ago , with the promise of my return, I was telling you about the problems my Raven friends at the Tower of London were having . You will rember that Anne Boleyn was distraught at the fact that she had blood stains on her lace collar and spent all day, every day bemoaning this fact! to add insult to injury she was joined by the two young Princes ( Edward V and Richard Duke of York) who insisted playing football all night thus preventing my seven feathered friends from getting any rest and as a result not being up to doing their Ravenly duties with their normal aplomb!
Well after we had all feasted on the lunch that Hardey and Hugine had prepared for us 'Alabin' their speciallity, we all chatted amicably and Anne apologised for her inconcideration towards the lads ....she had not realized how badly she had been affecting them! She handed me the bloodstained collar and thanked me again for my help....I assured her that the Vladdette would do her best , laundry magic, on it.
I decided that I would leave immediately and get the collar sorted intime to return by nightfall and so ( as it were) to be ready to meet and greet the two young Princes!
Well I have to go now as I have Polar Caps to check and planets to aline not to mention the baby Vlads supper to get ( the Vladdette is on a girls night out with Annuska, my mother, and the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape... the mind boggles!!)
Tonights Photos are of Nigel, err I mean Nycol and myself preparing a cup of tea for the father, the other is of the Tzar in a rare monent of harmony with Nycol and myself ( partaking of a meal on the Balcony of the hotel) .............................. Good night for now I will be back tomorrow..........................................................................


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