Vlad salutes you

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Tonights blog must be short and to the point as the feeble minded assistants' other half ( the human father has made it clear that he does not like her spending too much time on my Blog!! Well we best not upset him had we!!
As I was telling you I had met the Ravens on the Tower Green and they were not looking their normal selves at all!! I had enquired as to why they looked so tired and Hardey the eldest and most senior ranking Raven had announced that the problem was Ghosts!! I was astounded to hear that and asked what the problems were. I have known ghost for my entire , and long existance and very rarely have I found them to be any problem!!
Well as it turns out ( and I think I have mentioned this before the lads live in very comfortable barracks next to Wakefield Tower) that two young Boys ( ghosts named Edward V and Richard Duke of York) have been keeping the lads awake by night playing football and hide and seek right outside the avery!! If this had been the only problem I dare say they could of coped well enough but after they had breakfasted and surjourned to Tower Green then Anne Boleyn would start ...hassling them about not being able to get the blood out of her lace collar!!!!.............. Thor was upset by this "What are we?" He demanded of me "Laundry masters....No we are defenders of the Kingdom!" Flapping his wings he stomped off towards the White Tower scattering tourists as he went! "Please excuse him." said Hardey "he is young and highly strung!"
I looked at my friends , and to be honest they did look very tired and scruffy! Casting my eye across the green I saw Anne Boleyn sitting at the spot where she had been beheaded her head in her lap looking sadly at a badly blood stained white lace collar. Just behind her were two sleeping boys of about 12 and 10yrs in each others arms obviously worn out by a night of footie and hide and come seek!!....."You have to feel sorry for the boys " said Gwyllum begrudgingly " They do need to let off steam but then why at night and outside our roosts...is beyond me!!" He finnished with a hurrmph and sulkily shifted from leg to leg yawning as he did so!!
I could see that they were all unhappy about the situation and so I decided that I would have to intervene and the sooner the better.
I am afraid our time has run out this evening and I must again be off people to do things to see.................................... The photos are of Gwyllum and Munin on the green and the other is Odin and Thor talking to me , we are all under my Cape of invisibility. I will be back to continur the story soon.........................................


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