Vlad salutes you

Friday, September 08, 2006

Good evening Friends ! today I had to visit the mothers' friend again ...we managed to have chocolate and hoola hoops today and BLOW the diet :) We also got her work done and kept the boss busy and out of our way!!
The feeble minded assistant is totally distracted at the moment as she is prepareing to go on her holidays with the father.....she spent most of yesterday afternoon doing strange female things and what seemed like torture involving legs arms and toes.....I tell you the imortal mind boggles.
Enough , enough I hear you shout lets get back to the Tale.
As I had said the Ravens were suffering servere lack of sleep at night from the two young boy ghost playing by their avery and by day they were unable to rest thanks to Anne Boleyn bemoaning the state of her collar ( though what the problem with that was I fail to see I always think blood is such a lovely stain!) Something had to be done so I told the boys to go and find Thor and prepare us some lunch whilst I had a chat with Anne and the boys. Off they shuffled moaning, dragging their feet and yawning all the way!! As they left the green they split up Odin, Munin,Gwyllum and Cedric went to look for Thor , while Hardey and Hugine ( the haches as I call them ) went off to prepare some food, take away!
As I approached Anne looked up from her lap, a huge and beautiful smile lit her extreemely pale face up. "Vlad , how woderful to see you it must be at least three hundred years!" Juming up , she forgot where her head was and I had to leap out of the way incase it crushed me ( momentarily) and then immediately I had to do a flying tackle to save it from being trodden on by some passing Japanese tourists. " Calm down your Majesty " I said handing her back her head. Smiling she took it back and invited me to join her on her lap so she could see me better!
We talked for a while and she explained how upset she was , and had been for years, about the blood stain on her collar. I told her I would, if she liked, take the collar to Vladdette and she would work her magic on it . This really pleased Anne and once again her face was lit up by her lovely smile. "How can I repay you Vlad ?" she asked
" Hold on " I replied" I have not even left yet, much less has the Vladdette removed the stain.................... but there is something you can do for me." Egerly she agreed that she would do anthing I asked ................ and so I suggested she give the ravens a break and stop moaning all day long!..Picking me up and moving me closer to her face so she could kiss me she said...." I promise Vlad I promise I will given them a rest. If the Vladdette removes the stain I will not need to upset them anymore??"
Well that was a start after lunch I would return home and seek the Vladdettes' help and then tomorrow night I would tackle the two sleeping princes! "Come Anne join the lads and I for some lunch" and taking her hand I lead her ( head tucked under her other arm)to where the Lads were awaiting us..........................................
I will have to leave things there as I have to help the Vladdette with her laundering of the collar before I go out and check the Polar caps are in place and that the equator is in place and the the moon is pulling the tides correctly ............... so much to do so little time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before I go tonights photos are one of the ravens billets and the other is of Hardey and Hugine preparing lunch 'alabin' earlier today! See you soon..............................................................................................................................


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