Vlad salutes you

Monday, October 02, 2006

Today has been extreemely stressful .................... I am a Vampire bear, an imortal. I should not be bogged down by the minusia of life I should be up there in the sky SOARING, I should be out there in the jungle ( concrete or vegitation ) ROARING, I should be out and in brooks, DABBLING, I should be up mountain faces SCRAMBLING........... tell me what have I found myself doing?? ......Defleaing and deworming the CAT!! and accompanying the mother, AKA the feeble minded assistant to work ( her first day back from a holiday in Portugal!) Me the friend to Kings and Queens and Emperors throughout Millenia, frequenter of Bordelos, Castles, Palaces, Casinos, traveler of cruise lines, private jets and rocket ships ........... ........................ defleaing cats and frequenting supermarkets ..and I hasten to add being on the wrong side of the counter..Hey Ho how the mighty are fallen...what is the meaning of all this...??? Where will this end the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape is asking questions??
Forgive me my little human friends it appears I am going on somewhat so I shall put a gagg on it ..........for now!
You have all been waiting patiently to hear the out come of my meeting with the Princes. My tour down memory lane with Hardey finished and with the shadows lengthening I flew around Tower Green to make sure that all visiters and Yeomen were gone ...satisfied that that was the case I gently landed next to the two sleeping Princes. I sat and watched them for a few moments ...I looked at their inocent faces ..and their closely entwind hands and for a second ( only a second mind!) I felt a twinge of pity for the two unfortunates. I waved my cape above their heads and the gentle swish of this action did the trick and they slowly awoke.
At first they were not quite sure what to make of me, well I am rather impressive and even young ghost such as they were could recognise my importance! I stepped back and gave them a deep ( and graceful) bow and adressed them as their Majesties, which seemed to please them well enough.
After the introductions were over and we were aquainted I asked them why they stayed up all night playing football and hide and seek...why did they run around making so much noise that my friends, the ravens could get no rest...did they realise that whilst they were depriving the ravens of sleep all night Queen Anne Boyleyn had been disturbing their days! making them very tired and disshevelled ravens?
The two young boys ( for boys are what they are) looked at me astounded........... they were most sorry but explained they dare not sleep at night incase the men who had murdered them came again! They seemed most disturbed and so I asked them who they thought was responsible for their deaths ...sadly they admitted thay really had no idea.............I then explained that their Uncle Richard ( against whom there was really no solid proof of guilt) had died many miles from here at a place called Bosworth Field and he had been buried in Greyfriars Abbey in Leicestershire, later , years after, during the reformation his grave had been disenturred and desacrated , his bones had been dug up and thrown into the River Soar. Thus making it impossible for him to return to the Tower , even if had wanted to!...... other suspects to their murders were also ,of course deceased and buried, elsewhere none of then in or even near the Tower. The boys listened and slowly they seemed to relax . "So you mean we are safe now?" they asked me. I assured them that yes they were and that they had had a decent burial ( courtesey of Charles 11) and were now intured at Weatminster Abbey this news greatly pleased them.
They asked if they could be introduced to the ravens who they had so badly disturbed. I then introduced them all and as soon as it was clear that they were all getting along well and things look set to settle down amicably I quietly and unobtrucively took my leave. ( YES EVEN I CAN BE UNOBTRUCIVE!!)
Well I have heard nothing to the contrary so I assume all is peaceful and well at the Tower and that the Ravens are getting their rest at night and peace by day....................
Well I must again take my leave as the father needs another cup of tea and weak minded assistant has fallen asleep in the corner....too many antibiotics...I told her to let me cure her BUT NO SHE KNOWS BEST!!!!!!! Sorry don't let me get started again.
Tonights photo is of me with the two young princes Richard and Edward.


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